last snapshot was only 7 hours ago.
ha supervisor command says it worked successfully
I’m still running core-2021.8.3, trying to update, when the tick box of create snapshot is on, the process fails instantly.
Take snapshot off and it just sits there doing nothing.
‘HomeAssistantCore.update’ blocked from execution, no host internet connection
So, HA Pi is on wired connection direct to the router. can’t find anything that might have changed… bit odd.
Just realised that after you asked about the snapshot I used the google backup addon to check, and it successfully connected.
So the lack of internet is some kind of additional problem…
So after a bit of searching, I discovered others had a similar problem, but related to DNS servers, I then found that my Pi-Hole had not restarted.
So, is my HA system now somehow dependent on the pi-hole??
Slightly amusing note, many sensors are listed as being last updated 27weeks ago.
Everything else on my network works, just not HA.
TP link devices work via HA, but Tuya & HACS, no.
HACS is saying invalid token, probably related to that 27 weeks ago thing. Tried to restore snapshot, nothing happens.
So I was trying to “fix” the issue rather than just restoring a snapshot, gave up on that, and back up and running. Anyway, it brings to mind a question…
Was this problem in some way caused by the power outage messing with HA? And if so, is it recommended to shut down HA ( I assume the system/ shut down host) rather than just unplugging the raspberry?
And if I did a shutdown host, what then? does it automatically power back up when I plug the power back in or does it require an SSH command line to reboot?
Very much so. Just like any PC. A battery backup is recommended to prevent power outages causing issues. Even a cheap UPS like the Eaton 3s 700 can power your pi and router for an hour or more.
For a pi, yes. For a generic x86 install it depends on the BIOS settings.