System Monitor for viewing space on network drive

Hi there. I am very new to Home Assisstant. I have been trying the last few days or so to get HA system monitor to see my network drives. I have no clue where to start exactly. I have been reading as much as i can. Feel that alot of these option are outdated or not concluded to the resolution.

What I have.
I have 2 windows based computers. VM of HA. One computer is using windows 7 and the other is windows 10. I would like to have HA able to watch my hard drives on both computers letting me know how much space is left. System Monitor seems to be hat i am looking for to a point. it will witness what i have on the VM but not on the network drives. I am not sure if i need to mount the drives or samba to the drives or what arg are require to view the drive. Any suggestion would be great. Let me know that this not possible.


Ever figure this out?

I run Mosquitto broker in HA. I run IOTLink on each of my Windows machines & VMs. It is covered here and the IOTlink page has some pretty clear tutorials too.

Glances is probably the easiest way to do this

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Thank you both. So correct me if Iā€™m wrong. Glances would strictly be a Linux path? IOTlink looks like a purely Windows solution so if you had both would need two methods? I know when I was running Nagios to monitor all my servers I used a clients from here:

This was multi-platform and ran on the client and a plugin in Nagios would talk to those agents and retrieve information.

EDIT: Looks like if you did deep enough there is a way to install Glances on Windows.