System Monitoring - How does yours look?

Very clean, you just gave me a push to fix my automations view :stuck_out_tongue: thanks!

That was me I think :grin: … Looks smooth and it’s an inspiration for me.

is it possible to share part of your code? looks beautiful

Some great looking graphs here.

What are you using to get the CPU+RAM per addon?
Also, which card is used for Ssytem CPU etc.?

See: HA 0.116 / Supervisor 247 - Core and Supervisor & Addon Stats - #16 by silvrr

Mini-graph card.

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Thx, got the rest api working

Could you share your setup of the mini-graph card? Cant get the set up with all min, max, avg

Set extrema and average to true in the show settings:

  extrema: true
  average: true

This looks awesome! Can you share your lovelace config?

Thanks. Sure you can find it all here.

How did you monitor your docker containers?

Check out docker monitor.

I’m on it. But it cant get it running.
Using hassio on rpi3.

Found this: Docker Monitor sensor for Home Assistant
But where do i enter these commands? The ssh addon dont let me edit the system.

At the moment in only got these

Logger: custom_components.monitor_docker.helpers
Source: custom_components/monitor_docker/
Integration: Monitor Docker (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:53:12 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:53:12

Can not connect to Docker API (Missing valid docker_host.Either DOCKER_HOST or local sockets are not available.)

Traceback (most recent call last): File “/config/custom_components/monitor_docker/”, line 140, in init self._api = aiodocker.Docker(url=url) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aiodocker/”, line 95, in init raise ValueError( ValueError: Missing valid docker_host.Either DOCKER_HOST or local sockets are not available.

Doesn’t work on Home Assistant OS (the term hassio has been deprecated for quite some time now). You can get the stats of the add-ons, see the link here posted by Tom.

OK :cry:

Will try to connect to my external docker. It is more important then the hassOS containers.

Maybe this is the time where im move from hassOS to a docker on my server.
How complicated is it, to connect zwave and zigbee sticks to a hass-docker?

This should be possible with monitor docker as far as I understood.

Not complicated at all, had it running like this for years before I move the sticks to a separate Pi.

One instance with hassOS for the sticks which communicates with another instance?
I am thinking about that. Because the server is located as far possible away from the devices.

It is running smooth and fast?

No HA instance, just a Pi 3 with an Aeotec stick and a ConBee II stick and the respective software (OZWDaemon for Z-Wave which communicates to HA via MQTT and DeCONZ for ZigBee which communicates to HA via websocket. I wrote a detailed guide on how I did it here.

Yes, working perfectly fine for around 6 months I think.

Hi , i installed docker proxy on the nas , but when i ssh on the rpi and i try docker -H i get docker invalid command.

i also installed monitor docker , but nothing shows up. i have no idea.
I have 8 dockers running under synology docker , i have portainer on it and i can see all the dockers , but from HA nothing

any help?

Just found a typo in your automations view, you have Automations - Sysyem

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