System Monitoring - How does yours look?

Hey Guys,

I was wondering how you guys have created your card with the System Monitoring.

I’ve been trying to put some stuff together, but I just don’t get satisfied with the look.

So I was hoping, if you could share your Lovelace cards, to provide some inspiration to me and hopefully also others.

Thanks :blush:



i think some gauges can be used here :slight_smile:

Here’s mine.

Top left card is a custom:button-card which switches the theme just by clicking on the button (behind the scenes it’s using an input_select combined with an automation for frontend.set_theme).

Underneath is a count of certain domains like total sensors, automations, scripts, etc. Besides just displaying statistics, these have “secret” actions associated with them - for example holding on the scripts icon will perform the script.reload service, same for automations, etc.

Then under that is a glance card with some stats. These also have tap_action and hold_actions on them. Holding on the database icon will call recorder.purge service keeping the last 3 days. Tapping on the log icon navigates to /dev-info/ page, and holding on it performs system_log.clear service. hold_action for Uptime icon performs homeassistant.restart service, and tapping on version icon navigates to /hassio/dashboard so icon doubles as a shortcut to the update screen.

My other system monitoring stuff like processor and disk use is in a standard entities card for now, i plan to overhaul that soon though.


Huh. Just realised my raspi power status icon is missing:


If you were using the “mdi:raspberrypi” for the icon it has now changed to " mdi:raspberry-pi"

Yeah I just updated the file and all is well. I also posted an issue on the github of the custom component.

looks really good
can you share your configuration?

All my config at


I’m still on the old UI but I have it set to e-mail be if the CPU throttles


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Seconding this request!

Wow, didn’t expect to see that many replies.
Really nice approaches everyone and thanks.

@SeanM I would also like to see your conf for your setup.
Looks really interesting.


Did you do anything specific to get the CPU Temperature or how did you add it?
Would it be possible to get the GPU Temperature? I was just wondering if that could be interesting with this new stream function or is this still being processed by the CPU?

I just used the command line sensor build into HA, here’s my YAML for the sensor:

- platform: command_line
  name: "RPi CPU Temperature"
  command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp"
  value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(2) }}'

If you can work out what command you need to get the GPU temp then you should be able to add it. However it could be that the GPU is a part of the CPU, as in they are all a single chip, and if that’s the case the temps will be pretty similar.

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see [From avoidance to amazement (my Lovelace setup)]


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From a year of observation of the pi GPU temp, it is always within 1 °C of the CPU temp. I’m going to remove the sensor.

how is coreos cpu load other than cpu load

can you please show us yor config for system-monitor.
how to get docker listing over here.
and one more and last thing how to get only 2 digit for cpu load as i am getting some 6 digit after decimal.

Nothing very original here but I thought I’d join in :slight_smile:


It is clean and informative. Would you mind sharing your config file.

Of course not :slight_smile:

The clock card is courtesy of Palm Springs Theme but it doesn’t always update on this view (which is the first one) although it does seem to on another test view. I posted the question but no one has replied.

title: System Information
icon: mdi:home-assistant

  - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:compact-custom-header
        main_config: true
        background: var(--primary-background-color)
        active_tab_color: yellow
        tab_indicator_color: yellow
        notify_indicator_color: yellow
        notify_text_color: black
        menu: show
        notifications: show
        voice: clock
        options: show
        clock_format: 24
        clock_date: true
        date_locale: en-gb

          - conditions:
              user_agent: Mobile
              notifications: show
              voice: hide

          - entity: notifications
              state: false
                hide: true

      - type: custom:clock-card

      #=== System
      - type: entities
        title: System
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: sensor.installed_version
            name: Hassio Installed Version
            icon: mdi:home-assistant
          - entity: sensor.latest_available_version
            name: Hassio Current Version
            icon: mdi:home-assistant

          - type: divider

          - entity: sensor.tasmota_current_version
            name: Sonoff / Tasmota Current Version
            icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline

          - type: divider

          - entity: sensor.last_boot_date_time
            icon: mdi:calendar
          - entity: sensor.rpi_uptime
            icon: mdi:clock-start
          - entity: sensor.ha_uptime
            icon: mdi:home-assistant

          - type: custom:bar-card
            title: Processor Use
            entity: sensor.processor_use
            height: 30px
            animation: 'off'
            indicator: 'off'
              - value: 60
                color: green
              - value: 85 
                color: orange
              - value: 100
                color: red

          - type: custom:bar-card
            title: CPU Temp
            entity: sensor.cpu_temp
            animation: 'off'
            indicator: 'off'
            height: 30px
              - value: 60
                color: green
              - value: 70 
                color: orange
              - value: 100
                color: red

          - type: custom:bar-card
            title: Memory Use
            entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
            height: 30px
            animation: 'off'
            indicator: 'off'
              - value: 60
                color: green
              - value: 85 
                color: orange
              - value: 100
                color: red

          - type: custom:bar-card
            title: Disk Use
            entity: sensor.disk_use_percent
            height: 30px
            animation: 'off'
            indicator: 'off'
              - value: 60
                color: green
              - value: 85 
                color: orange
              - value: 100
                color: red

          - type: divider

          - entity: sensor.public_ip_address
            icon: mdi:ip-network

  #=== Have I Been Pwned and Component Counts
  - type: vertical-stack

      #=== Have I been pwned
      - type: entities
        title: Have I been pwned
        show_header_toggle: false
          - entity: sensor.breaches_xxx
            name:[email protected]
            icon: mdi:at
          - entity: sensor.breaches_xxx
            name: [email protected]
            icon: mdi:at
          - entity: sensor.breaches_xxx
            name: [email protected]
            icon: mdi:at
          - entity: sensor.breaches_xxx
            name: [email protected]
            icon: mdi:at

      #=== Component Counts
      - type: glance
        title: Component Count
        columns: 4
          - entity: sensor.count_automations
            name: Automations
            icon: mdi:autorenew
          - entity: sensor.count_scripts
            name: Scripts
            icon: mdi:script-text-outline
          - entity: sensor.count_zones
            name: Zones
            icon: mdi:map-marker-radius
          - entity: sensor.count_device_trackers
            name: Device Trackers
            icon: mdi:map-marker
          - entity: sensor.count_switches
            name: Switches
            icon: mdi:light-switch
          - entity: sensor.count_sensors
            name: Sensors
            icon: mdi:resistor
          - entity: sensor.count_binary_sensors
            name: Binary Sensors
            icon: mdi:unfold-more-horizontal
          - entity: sensor.count_input_booleans
            name: Input Booleans
            icon: mdi:toggle-switch
          - entity: sensor.count_input_numbers
            name: Input Numbers
            icon: mdi:numeric
          - entity: sensor.count_input_texts
            name: Input Texts
            icon: mdi:alphabetical
          - entity: sensor.count_input_selects
            name: Input Select
            icon: mdi:view-list
          - entity: sensor.count_input_datetimes
            name: Input Date Times
            icon: mdi:calendar-clock

      #=== Custom Component Updates
  - type: vertical-stack

      - type: custom:tracker-card
          - sensor.custom_card_tracker
          - sensor.custom_component_tracker