System Monitoring - How does yours look?

a separate vm

Can you share your Pi-Hole card code, and how you can toggle it on/off? Thanks!

I’m interested in the card code as well and how does it actually work - do you relay all your internet traffic through that device (pointing your devices to use it as DNS) before it goes to your ISP equipment?

  1. Yes, my Primary DNS Server is the pi-hole, i configured it in my router.
  2. as for turn off/on the block state, please follow the guide below:
    Pi-Hole switch
  3. lovelace code:
              - type: entities 
                show_header_toggle: false
                title: Pi-Hole      
                  - entity: switch.pi_hole
                    icon: mdi:server-network
                    name: Pi-Hole Server - Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 
                  - entity: switch.pihole_switch
                    icon: mdi:pi-hole 
                    name: Pi-Hole Ads Block State
                  # - type: divider
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: Ads Blocked Today
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.pi_hole_ads_blocked_today
                    decimal: 0
                    max: 10000
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: DNS Queries
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.pi_hole_dns_queries_today
                    decimal: 0
                    max: 100000
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: Pi-Hole DNS Unique Clients
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.pi_hole_dns_unique_clients
                    decimal: 0
                    # max: 25
1 Like

Thank you :slight_smile:!!!

And you pie hole then points to your ISPs DNS or Google DNS or?

no problem, ISP

Well, I finally decided to release my card!

I have added 12 examples in the repository, so you can see how a card is ‘created’.

Have fun with it :smile:

The pull request for HACS is done, so it should end up there too.

And it is merged!


Some new experiments…

The cockpit view:


and some other view with more partial segmented arcs and horizontal bars.


In its very early stages, but fully configurable using yaml.
The simple barcharts for history/trends are still a mock-up btw. They show fake data.

After hours of debugging and not understanding some weird Javascript things, I managed to get real data into the bar charts :rofl:


That “cockpit view” is awesome! Keep up the nice work!

Thanx. I’ll keep experimenting…

The next example shows shows 7x temperatures and 7x humidity, but I also plan to use this for my server which has multiple hdd’s in a cage, including their temperatures. So the humidity becomes the % used.

In case you didn’t notice, It is the same card as the cockpit display…



Will you share your template used in your decluttering cards?

Yes, I will update my repository with the decluttering templates I use.

Could you share your lovelace yaml? I’m very interested in the cpu/disk/memory section, very clear/slim design!

Sure, This is the updated version


  - title: Server
    icon: mdi:server
      - type: vertical-stack     
          - type: vertical-stack           
              - type: entities
                show_header_toggle: false      
                title:  System Monitor - Hassio       
                  - entity: switch.hassio
                    name: Ubuntu 18.10
                    icon: mdi:ubuntu
                  - entity: sensor.current_version
                    name: Hassio Version
                    icon: mdi:home-assistant
                  - sensor.potential_breaking_changes 
                  - entity: sensor.hacs
                    name: Hacs
                  - entity: sensor.processor_use
                    name: CPU Usage
                    icon: mdi:memory
                  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                    name: Memory Use Percentage  
                  - entity: sensor.memory_use
                    name: Memory Use 
                  - entity: sensor.memory_free
                    name: Memory Free
                  - entity: sensor.swap_use_percent
                    name: Swap Use Percent
                  - entity: sensor.disk_use_percent_home
                    name: Disk Use Percentage
                  - entity: sensor.disk_use_home
                    name: Disk Use
                  - entity: sensor.disk_free_home
                    name: Disk Free
                  - entity: sensor.home_assistant_v2_db
                    name: Database Size
                    icon: mdi:database
                  - entity: sensor.last_boot
                    name: Hassio Last Boot
                  - entity: sensor.ipv4_address_enp0s3
                    name: IP Address
                  # - sensor.last_successful_authentication  


      - type: vertical-stack     
          - type: vertical-stack           
              # - type: entities 
                # show_header_toggle: false
                # title: Pi-Hole      
                # entities:
                  # - entity: switch.pi_hole 
                    # icon: mdi:pi-hole 
                    # name: Pi-Hole - Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS   
              - type: entities 
                show_header_toggle: false
                title: Hassio      
                  - type: call-service 
                    icon: mdi:home-assistant 
                    name: Hassio 
                    action_name: Restart  
                    service: homeassistant.restart
                  - type: call-service 
                    icon: mdi:home-assistant
                    name: Hassio 
                    action_name: Reload Automation
                    service: automation.reload
                  - type: divider    
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: HA CPU
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.processor_use
                    max: 100
                    - value: 30
                      color: '#40bf60'
                    - value: 60
                      color: '#ffa500'
                    - value: 100
                      color: '#e60000'
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: HA Memory
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                    icon: mdi:database
                      #title_position: inside
                    max: 100
                    - value: 30
                      color: '#40bf60'
                    - value: 60
                      color: '#ffa500'
                    - value: 90
                      color: '#e60000'
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: HA Storage
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.disk_use_percent_home
                    - value: 33
                      color: '#40bf60'
                    - value: 50
                      color: '#ffa500'
                    - value: 75
                      color: '#e60000'
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: Swap Use Percent
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.swap_use_percent
                    - value: 33
                      color: '#40bf60'
                    - value: 50
                      color: '#ffa500'
                    - value: 75
                      color: '#e60000'
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: HA Database
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.home_assistant_v2_db
                    icon: mdi:database
                      #title_position: inside
                    max: 500
                    - value: 150
                      color: '#40bf60'
                    - value: 200
                      color: '#ffa500'
                    - value: 250
                      color: '#e60000'

              - type: entities 
                show_header_toggle: false
                title: Pi-Hole      
                  - entity: switch.pi_hole
                    icon: mdi:server-network
                    name: Pi-Hole Server - Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS 
                  - entity: switch.pihole_switch
                    icon: mdi:pi-hole 
                    name: Pi-Hole Ads Block State
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: Ads Blocked Today
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.pi_hole_ads_blocked_today
                    decimal: 0
                    max: 10000
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: DNS Queries
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.pi_hole_dns_queries_today
                    decimal: 0
                    max: 100000
                  - type: custom:bar-card
                    title: Pi-Hole DNS Unique Clients
                    title_position: inside
                    entity: sensor.pi_hole_dns_unique_clients
                    decimal: 0


      - type: vertical-stack     
          - type: vertical-stack           
              - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
                  - type: entities
                    show_header_toggle: false      
                    title:  System Monitor - Mini PC       
                      - entity: switch.mini_pc
                        name: MiniPC - Windows 10 Pro
                        icon: mdi:windows
                      - entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_intel_core_i5_3317u_load_cpu_total
                        icon: mdi:chip
                        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
                        hide_state: true
                        name: Intel Core i5 3317U
                          entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_intel_core_i5_3317u_load_cpu_total
                          name: Cpu Usage
                          entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_intel_core_i5_3317u_temperatures_cpu_package
                          name: Temperature
                      - entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_samsung_ssd_850_evo_250gb_load_used_space
                        icon: mdi:harddisk
                        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
                        hide_state: true
                        name: Samsung Evo 850
                          entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_samsung_ssd_850_evo_250gb_load_used_space
                          name: Disk Usage
                          entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_samsung_ssd_850_evo_250gb_temperatures_temperature
                          name: Temperature                                              
                      - entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_generic_memory_load_memory
                        name: Samsung 8GB DDR-3
                        icon: mdi:memory
                        hide_state: true
                        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
                          entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_generic_memory_data_used_memory
                          name: Memory Usage
                          entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_generic_memory_data_available_memory
                          name: Memory Free
                      - type: divider
                      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
                          - entity: sensor.desktop_emnn779_intel_core_i5_3317u_temperatures_cpu_package
                            name: CPU Temperature
                          labels: true
                          extrema: true
                          - value: 43
                            color: "#f39c12"
                          - value: 46
                            color: "#d35400"
                          - value: 49
                            color: "#c0392b"
                  - type: divider

                  - type: entities
                    show_header_toggle: false      
                    title:  Network       
                      - entity: sensor.archerc7v4_kbyte_sec_received
                        name: Archer C7
                        icon: mdi:router-wireless
                        hide_state: true
                        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
                          entity: sensor.archerc7v4_kbyte_sec_received
                          name: Kbyte Sec Received
                          entity: sensor.archerc7v4_kbyte_sec_sent
                          name: Kbyte Sec Sent
                      - type: custom:bar-card                  
                        title: Download
                        title_position: inside
                        entity: sensor.speedtest_download
                        max: 200
                        - value: 50
                          color: '#e60000'
                        - value: 150
                          color: '#ffa500'
                        - value: 200
                          color: '#40bf60'                    
                      - type: custom:bar-card
                        title: Upload
                        title_position: inside
                        entity: sensor.speedtest_upload
                        max: 6
                        - value: 1
                          color: '#e60000'
                        - value: 3
                          color: '#ffa500'
                        - value: 6
                          color: '#40bf60'
                      - type: custom:bar-card
                        title: Ping
                        title_position: inside
                        entity: sensor.speedtest_ping
                        icon: mdi:database
                          #title_position: inside
                        max: 200
                        - value: 40
                          color: '#40bf60'
                        - value: 80
                          color: '#ffa500'
                        - value: 200
                          color: '#e60000'


Simple but gives me what I wanna see.


What did you use for getting NextCloud info?

I made a script which reads the RSS feed coming from nextcloud.

how do you monitor cpu temp and usage?

You can get Processor use from the System Monitor

And for CPU temp… it depends on what machine you’re running on. For example, my i3 NUC required me to use a command line sensor, like this:

# CPU temp command line sensor
  - platform: command_line
    name: CPU Temperature
    command: "cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone3/temp"
    # If errors occur, remove degree symbol below
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    value_template: '{{ value | multiply(0.001) | round(1) }}'

Cerb, do you mind sharing your yaml for this page?