System Monitoring - How does yours look?

Thanks. i installed hacs package ,

The Monitor Docker allows you to monitor Docker and container statistics and turn on/off containers. It can connected to the Docker daemon locally or remotely.
should work , but no idea how :slight_smile:

Thanks. i installed hacs package , i ll check if i find someway to get it working

If you are running Home Assistant in a container you need to give access to the socket. Add the following volume to your home assistant container:

 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

No , i have a pi4 running HA , and a synology running all the dockers.
So i need to retreive the data via lan.
Another point you might help , I have an Odroid N2+ which runs coreelec , i got the temperature with this ssh script , i would get also RAM and CPU usage , is there a way to get them as a % ?
sorry :slight_smile: and thanks for your help

  - platform: ssh
    host: 192.168.xx.xx
    username: xxx
    password: xxx
    name: Coreelec CPU Temperature
    command: cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    value_template: >-
      {%- set line = value.split("\r\n") -%}
      {{ (line[1]|int / 1000) | round(1) }}

I assume the dockers on your Synology are not the Home Assistant docker containers or are they?

If you want to track remote docker containers, you need to setup a docker socket proxy like this one on the remote machine.

This is going to be a really advanced stuff to do for me :smiley:
No idea where to start from , because docker on synology have no command lines.
Let’s see

Install the prixy docker container on the NAS, then try to connect to it from the Pi with

docker -H tcp://ip-of-the-nas:2376 ps

Or just add the flag to the docker daemon start up :wink:

ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp:// --containerd=/run/containerd/containerd.sock

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$ docker container run \
    -d --privileged \
    --name dockerproxy \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -p \

ok… where should i run this?

On the NAS.

Someone just liked my old post. Obviously I wasn’t done. I have replaced my system monitoring page with a system monitoring dashboard as it was impossible to fit it all in the one view.

Selected highlights:

Not shown, fairly boring entities card lists of inputs, outputs, media players and battery levels. Also my test page which is currently empty.


Very clean, you just gave me a push to fix my automations view :stuck_out_tongue: thanks!

That was me I think :grin: … Looks smooth and it’s an inspiration for me.

is it possible to share part of your code? looks beautiful

Some great looking graphs here.

What are you using to get the CPU+RAM per addon?
Also, which card is used for Ssytem CPU etc.?

See: HA 0.116 / Supervisor 247 - Core and Supervisor & Addon Stats - #16 by silvrr

Mini-graph card.

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Thx, got the rest api working

Could you share your setup of the mini-graph card? Cant get the set up with all min, max, avg

Set extrema and average to true in the show settings:

  extrema: true
  average: true

This looks awesome! Can you share your lovelace config?