System Monitoring - How does yours look?

It’ the same here, so likely you could find out the one to use by browsing the logs. Search for ’ eth0’ (I had several tens of occurrances) and see the one that differs from those multiple entries veth… I had this line
e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 eno1: renamed from eth0. Tried ‘eno1’ and it works.

I tried a search but didn’t get any hits other than the ‘vethxxxx’ type stuff

Have you tried just hassio for interface name? I was struggling for ages to find interface name in my VM running on ESXi and found this trick somewhere in the forum… Funny is that it is not listed by any system command as valid interface name… But it is working for me :slight_smile:

I’ll give it a shot and report back. Thanks.

Seems that both work in my HA OS setup. This is just after the server restart:

Odd that they are different values though…

How did you add all the graphs into one container?

I found an easy way to determine the ethernet interface, SSH into HA and it’s listed straight away. Mine ended up being eno1.

Thanks for the pointers :+1:

How is the networking done in HASSIO docker container? By default docker uses bridges to provide networking - thus is eno1 the real network port and hassio is the docker bridge to it?

Hi Bill , it does not work with HASSIO :frowning:

Hello, I can’t install a python on the Raspberry with HomematicMatic. someone an idea how I can represent the sensors of the Raspberry with the image

hey bigstation,
very nice and clean dashboard.

Do you mind to share how you count the connected clients on wifi?


Here is mine


@Djal what did you use for the horizontal Bar graphs? Do you mind sharing your YAML? it looks great!

Hi, it is just a custom bar-card and mini-graph-card both in horizontal-stack card, and all of that inside a vertical stack-in card.

Here is the yaml:

type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'
  - type: horizontal-stack
    title: Monitor
      - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
        hours_to_show: 12
        points_per_hour: 2
        animate: true
        hour24: true
        height: 150
          - sensor.pi1_cpu_usage
        state_adaptive_color: true
        show_state: true
        name: CPU
        line_color: '#28A95D'
        line_width: 7
          - value: 20
            color: '#28A95D'
          - value: 40
            color: '#179FE7'
          - value: 60
            color: '#E5DF26'
          - value: 80
            color: '#E58B26'
          - value: 90
            color: '#EF302A'
          extrema: true
          name_adaptive_color: true
          icon_adaptive_color: true
      - type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
        hours_to_show: 12
        points_per_hour: 2
        height: 150
        animate: true
        hour24: true
          - sensor.pi1_temperature
        name: Temp
        line_color: '#28A95D'
        line_width: 7
          - value: 20
            color: '#28A95D'
          - value: 40
            color: '#179FE7'
          - value: 60
            color: '#E5DF26'
          - value: 80
            color: '#E58B26'
          - value: 90
            color: '#EF302A'
          extrema: true
          name_adaptive_color: true
          icon_adaptive_color: true
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: 'custom:bar-card'
        entity: sensor.pi1_disk_use_drive1
        name: HDD
        decimal: 0
        height: 40
        show_icon: true
        icon: 'mdi:harddisk'
        color: '#00ba6a'
          - color: '#28A95D'
            from: 0
            to: 20
          - color: '#179FE7'
            from: 20
            to: 40
          - color: '#EDCC26'
            from: 40
            to: 60
          - color: '#E58B26'
            from: 60
            to: 80
          - color: '#EF302A'
            from: 80
            to: 100
      - type: 'custom:bar-card'
        entity: sensor.pi1_memory_use
        height: 40
        name: RAM
        icon: 'mdi:memory'
        show_icon: true
          - color: '#28A95D'
            from: 0
            to: 20
          - color: '#179FE7'
            from: 20
            to: 40
          - color: '#DDD44B'
            from: 40
            to: 60
          - color: '#EDCC26'
            from: 60
            to: 80
          - color: '#EF302A'
            from: 80
            to: 100
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.pi1_last_message
            name: Refresh
      - type: entities
          - entity: sensor.pi1_last_boot
            name: Reboot

@Djal, The double nested card layout… I know it well. I use the mini-graph card a ton, but didn’t recognize the bar-card. So Thanks for sharing!!

Hi Tom,
Could you share your YAML for the automations screen?

Here is my updates dashboard. Its highly inspired by some of the things posted here. And its split up in categories.


HomeAssistant page:

Network page:

Network page with drives extended:

Devicetracker page:

Devices page:

Power monitoring page:


Not for a couple of weeks. I’m at sea with no access to my Home Assistant at the moment.

Very very cool setup you got there. :grinning:

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