System Monitoring - How does yours look?

Thanks Tom, You’re a champ as always :slight_smile:

Hi @duncan86, which addon do you use for the crypto?

Hi @Jevada72

I use the built in Coinbase integration with some template sensors to calculate value’s. And I have a node-red flow for Binance in which I use an API call to get the info. However you can use this HACS integration for Binance instead (wasn’t available when I implemented it)

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Mine so far being devided into multi icons.

And multitab and in some case slider use
Main Dashboard
Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 5.46.55 PM

Mikrotik Router

NAS and Server


Proxmox, Remote Server and My Domain monitor

Still work in progress hahahahaha


Just standard TKL dashboard :slightly_smiling_face:
Screenshot 2021-09-08 12.46.43 PM

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Love the setup can you share your configs?

Do you want the configs for the lovelace dashboards or the configs in general e.g. sensors, swithes, templates etc.?
Since the configs are quite large, I can’t put them all in 1 post.
I’ll try to get is backed up to github, so you can find it there.
I’ll let you know when that is ready

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Yeah Github would be great!!!

Yes please share your configs.

Just a bit lower…

DrTube how did you put Glances on Proxmox itself? Do you have to install it?

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Yes, you need to install it on proxmox.

curl -L | bash

mine looks like this, super-basic.

It monitors in real-time my rpi4, cpu usage, temperature, ram and ssd utilization and network traffic. I would like to add my Synology nas also but I’ve noticed that the sensors provided with the official HA integration do not update in real time.

What are you guys using to show real-time values with the DSM/Synology HA integration?

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Thanks for the help on that

You can get some measures with snmp. E.g.

# Uptime
  - platform: snmp
    name: Uptime NAS
    community: 'public'
    value_template: >
      {%- set time = value | int // 100 %}
      {%- set minutes = ((time % 3600) // 60) %}
      {%- set minutes = '{}min'.format(minutes) if minutes > 0 else '' %}
      {%- set hours = ((time % 86400) // 3600) %}
      {%- set hours = '{}hr '.format(hours) if hours > 0 else '' %}
      {%- set days = (time // 86400) %}
      {%- set days = '{}d '.format(days) if days > 0 else '' %}
      {{ 'Less than 1 min' if time < 60 else days + hours + minutes }}
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Ok I got it backed up to Github.
Here is the link: dbloom86/HomeAssistant: My Home Assistant Config (

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@Norien I loved you layout on this in terms of the spacing and card setup. Can you post your configs for this one here or github? Thanks and awesome job.

@rsachoc On the Plex Card how did you get the sensors for watching and bandwidth since they made it an integration now which only gives you one sensor of “sensor.plex_media” which does tell who is watching but nothing else. Or is this card outdated now?

@rsachoc I would also love to see how you coded the left size panel, that is outstanding. Do you have a github of your configs or could you post them here?