System Monitoring - How does yours look?

They do not. I’m sure that is the issue. None of the sensors give the correct information on developers tools. Not sure why this was changed?

I can get most of the information other ways, just does not display as well.

I spoke to soon. I believe most of the sensors do still work, just not in the markdown card. Hacs sensor changed but not sure why this would stop the card?

I’m not sure how to test the whole card in Del tools? When I paste the card there I get TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable.

The bottom from | current below works in dev tools.

this is somewhat cryptic…

any jinja template that works in dev tools, works in Markdown.

if you have borked command_line sensors, no template based on that will work.

as you stated, most if this info can be had from the core integrations now. You can still template those nicely, or have them show via other means, no issue there.

it would save you some (maybe most) tailor made sensors, who using the built-in supervisor sensors, so why not give that a try? It would release the system just that extra bit :wink:

Guys you are really spamming this thread, what about opening a new one for your issue.

1 Like

sure, guess you’re right.

otoh, you started posting thing like this yourself System Monitoring - How does your look? - #1049 by alanmilinovic :wink:

Yea but my scripts and configuration is working. :crazy_face:

Sorry for this. Mine just stopped working with the only change on my part being updating to 2023.4x. I have found the issue (hacs sensor change) and will post a fix once / if I figure it out.
For all those that are interested or helped, my issue was caused by changing Hacs to experimental mode. I did this after 2023.4.2 was released to use the new import macro function.This made the sensor.hacs unavailable.

Thanx so much @Kabala I have successfully done it

1 Like

I know its too old , but how to get the news section ? can you share some tips ? @elRadix if you happened to achieve it , can you share ? thank you!

use the feedreader as detailed here: Feedreader - Home Assistant

but my goodness you are right, that is old… here is the latest


OMG, that looks wonderful, mind sharing the code ?

sure, herewith, this will however obviously not work as you need to configure the sensors and images and store these in the appropriate sections

  - theme: Backend-selected
    title: Control
    path: control
    icon: mdi:gauge-low
    background: center / cover no-repeat url("/local/img/control.jpg") fixed
      - user: [REDACTED]
      - user: [REDACTED]
    badges: []
      - cards:
          - image: /local/img/synology_logo.png
              action: url
              url_path: https://[REDACTED].[REDACTED].[REDACTED]
            type: picture
          - entities:
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_security_status
                name: Security state
            type: entities
          - cards:
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 99
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 50
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 1
                  - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_cpu_utilization_total
                icon: mdi:chip
                name: CPU
                points_per_hour: 60
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 99
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 50
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 1
                  - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_memory_usage_real
                icon: mdi:chip
                name: RAM
                points_per_hour: 60
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
            type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
            horizontal: true
          - cards:
              - entities:
                  - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_upload_throughput
                icon: mdi:arrow-up
                points_per_hour: 60
                name: Up
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - entities:
                  - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_download_throughput
                icon: mdi:arrow-down
                name: Down
                points_per_hour: 60
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
            type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
            horizontal: true
          - cards:
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 50
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 40
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 30
                  - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_3_average_disk_temp
                icon: mdi:thermometer
                name: Primary Temp
                points_per_hour: 60
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 50
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 40
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 30
                  - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_2_average_disk_temp
                icon: mdi:thermometer
                name: Backup Temp
                points_per_hour: 60
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
            type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
            horizontal: true
          - bar_style:
              padding-left: 2px
              text-align: left
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_3_volume_used
            height: 40px
            max: 100
            min: 0
              - color: '#00D936'
                from: 0
                to: 50
              - color: '#FFBF00'
                from: 51
                to: 75
              - color: '#B20000'
                from: 76
                to: 100
            name: Primary
            icon: mdi:harddisk
            name_position: inside
            type: custom:bar-card
          - entities:
              - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_3_used_space
                name: Used
              - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_3_status
                name: Status
              - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_3_average_disk_temp
                name: Temp
            type: glance
          - bar_style:
              padding-left: 2px
              text-align: left
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_2_volume_used
            height: 40px
            max: 100
            min: 0
              - color: '#00D936'
                from: 0
                to: 50
              - color: '#FFBF00'
                from: 51
                to: 75
              - color: '#B20000'
                from: 76
                to: 100
            name: Backup
            icon: mdi:harddisk
            name_position: inside
            type: custom:bar-card
          - entities:
              - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_2_used_space
                name: Used
              - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_2_status
                name: Status
              - entity: sensor.[REDACTED]_volume_2_average_disk_temp
                name: Temp
            type: glance
        type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
      - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: picture
            image: /local/img/ubiquiti-networks-logo.png
              action: none
              action: none
          - cards:
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 70
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 25
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 5
                  - entity: sensor.unifi_status_wan_cpu
                points_per_hour: 60
                name: CPU
                hours_to_show: 168
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 70
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 25
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 5
                  - entity: sensor.unifi_status_wan_mem
                points_per_hour: 60
                name: RAM
                hours_to_show: 168
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
            type: custom:stack-in-card
            mode: horizontal
          - cards:
              - entities:
                  - entity: sensor.gateway_www_down
                    name: Down
                  - entity: sensor.gateway_www_up
                    name: Up
                icon: mdi:arrow-up
                points_per_hour: 60
                name: Speed
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - entities:
                  - entity: sensor.internet_latency
                icon: mdi:clock
                name: Latency
                points_per_hour: 60
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
            type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
            horizontal: true
          - entities:
              - entity: sensor.unifi_status_wan_ip
                name: WAN IP Address
            type: entities
          - type: glance
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_wan
                name: WAN
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_wlan
                name: WLAN
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_www
                name: Internet
              - entity: sensor.gateway_www_down_count
                name: Downloaded
              - entity: sensor.gateway_www_up_count
                name: Uploaded
              - entity: sensor.unifi_status_lan_num_user
              - entity: sensor.wifi_clients
              - entity: sensor.wifi_guests
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_alerts
                name: Alerts
              - entity: sensor.gateway_ap
                name: AP
              - entity: sensor.ap_disabled
                name: AP Disabled
              - entity: sensor.ap_disconnected
                name: AP Disconnected
              - entity: sensor.wlan_down_count
              - entity: sensor.wlan_up_count
              - entity: sensor.unifi_gateway_firmware_upgradable
                name: Firmware
      - cards:
          - image: /local/img/ha-logo.png
            type: picture
          - cards:
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 70
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 25
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 5
                  - entity: sensor.processor_use
                points_per_hour: 60
                name: CPU
                hours_to_show: 168
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - color_thresholds:
                  - color: '#B20000'
                    value: 70
                  - color: '#FF7F00'
                    value: 25
                  - color: '#008C23'
                    value: 5
                  - entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                points_per_hour: 60
                name: RAM
                hours_to_show: 168
                type: custom:mini-graph-card
            type: custom:stack-in-card
            mode: horizontal
          - bar_style:
              padding-left: 2px
              text-align: left
            entity: sensor.disk_use_percent_home
            height: 40px
            max: 100
            min: 0
              - color: '#00D936'
                from: 0
                to: 50
              - color: '#FFBF00'
                from: 51
                to: 75
              - color: '#B20000'
                from: 76
                to: 100
            title: Disk
            name: SSD
            type: custom:bar-card
          - entities:
              - sensor.last_boot
              - sensor.database_size
              - sensor.hacs
            type: glance
          - type: markdown
            title: null
            content: Devices & Sernsors
          - type: custom:apexcharts-card
            chart_type: donut
                type: gradient
                  shade: dark
                  shadeIntensity: 0.1
                  opacityFrom: 0.9
                  opacityTo: 0.85
                    - 0
                    - 90
                    - 100
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                fontSize: 13px
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                  width: 16
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                    - |-
                      EVAL:() => {
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                        return `<ha-icon icon="hass:radiobox-blank" style="--mdc-icon-size: 14px;"></ha-icon>`
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                    - |-
                      EVAL:() => {
                        return `<ha-icon icon="hass:camera" style="--mdc-icon-size: 14px;"></ha-icon>`
                    - |-
                      EVAL:() => {
                        return `<ha-icon icon="hass:lightbulb" style="--mdc-icon-size: 14px;"></ha-icon>`
                    - |-
                      EVAL:() => {
                        return `<ha-icon icon="hass:flower" style="--mdc-icon-size: 14px;"></ha-icon>`
                    - |-
                      EVAL:() => {
                        return `<ha-icon icon="hass:flash" style="--mdc-icon-size: 14px;"></ha-icon>`
                    - |-
                      EVAL:() => {
                        return `<ha-icon icon="hass:home-assistant" style="--mdc-icon-size: 14px;"></ha-icon>`
                    - none
                    - none
                    - none
                    - none
                    - none
                    - none
                    - none
                    - none
                show: true
                width: 0.4
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                  fontSize: 14px
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                  enabled: true
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                      show: true
                        fontSize: 42px
                        fontWeight: 700
                        offsetY: 16
                        show: true
                        label: Entities
                        fontSize: 15px
                        fontWeight: 800
                        color: '#ffffff50'
              - entity: sensor.count_automations
                name: Automations
              - entity: sensor.count_binary_sensors
                name: Binary Sensors
              - entity: sensor.count_device_trackers
                name: Device Trackers
              - entity: sensor.count_cameras
                name: Cameras
              - entity: sensor.count_lights
                name: Lights
              - entity: sensor.count_plants
                name: Plants
              - entity: sensor.count_sensors
                name: Sensors
              - entity: sensor.count_switches
                name: Switches
              - entity: sensor.count_zones
                name: Zones
              - entity: sensor.count_scripts
                name: Scripts
              - entity: sensor.count_zwave
                name: Z-Wave
              - entity: sensor.count_lock
                name: Locks
              - entity: sensor.count_vacuum
                name: Vacuum
              - entity: sensor.count_media_players
                name: Players
        type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
      - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: picture
            image: local/img/chirpstack_logo.png
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
          - type: custom:uptime-card
            entity: sensor.[REDACTED]
            icon: mdi:router-wireless
            ok: ONLINE
            ko: OFFLINE
            ko_icon: mdi:router-wireless-off
            hours_to_show: 168
            status_adaptive_color: true
              spacing: 4
              height: 10
              round: 10
              icon: grey
              icon: true
              status: false
              timeline: true
              average: true
            title_adaptive_color: true
            title: Gateway Uptime
      - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: picture
            image: /local/img/uptime-robot.png
              action: url
              action: none
          - type: entities
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_home_assistant
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_plex
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_tld
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_3cx
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_chirpstack
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_odoo
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_tracker
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]_website
              - entity: binary_sensor.[REDACTED]
      - card:
          show_header_toggle: false
          title: Low Battery Devices
          type: entities
          state_color: true
            type: picture
            image: local/img/battery_low.png
              action: none
              action: none
            - entity_id: '*Schenzhen*'
            - entity_id: '*last_updated*'
            - entity_id: '*plant*'
            - entity_id: sensor.finn_s_owlet_heart_rate
            - entity_id: sensor.finn_s_owlet_oxygen_level
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_alarm_level
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_alarm_type
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_burglar
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_sourcenodeid
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_alarm_level_2
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_alarm_type_2
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_burglar_2
            - entity_id: sensor.neo_coolcam_battery_powered_pir_sensor_v2_sourcenodeid_2
            - entity_id: '*battery*'
              state: < 5%
            - attributes:
                battery: < 5%
            - attributes:
                battery_level: < 5
        show_empty: true
        type: custom:auto-entities
          method: friendly_name
      - type: entities
          - entity: binary_sensor.fridge
          - entity: sensor.fridge_battery
          - entity: sensor.fridge_signal
          - entity: sensor.fridgex_snr
          - entity: sensor.fridge_battery_percentage
          - entity: sensor.fridge_gateway
        title: Fridge
      - type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
          - type: picture
            image: /local/img/canon_printer_logo.png
              action: url
              url_path: http://REDACTED/portal_top.html
              action: none
          - type: entities
              - entity: sensor.printer
                name: Status
          - cards:
              - bar_style:
                  padding-left: 2px
                  text-align: left
                entity: sensor.printer_black_toner
                height: 175px
                direction: up
                max: 100
                min: 0
                color: black
                name: Black
                name_position: inside
                type: custom:bar-card
              - bar_style:
                  padding-left: 2px
                  text-align: left
                entity: sensor.printer_yellow_toner
                height: 175px
                direction: up
                max: 100
                min: 0
                color: yellow
                name: Yellow
                name_position: inside
                type: custom:bar-card
              - bar_style:
                  padding-left: 2px
                  text-align: left
                entity: sensor.printer_magenta_toner
                height: 175px
                direction: up
                max: 100
                min: 0
                color: magenta
                name: Magenta
                name_position: inside
                type: custom:bar-card
              - bar_style:
                  padding-left: 2px
                  text-align: left
                entity: sensor.printer_cyan_toner
                icon: mdi:water
                icon_color: '#000000'
                height: 175px
                direction: up
                max: 100
                min: 0
                color: cyan
                name: Cyan
                name_position: inside
                type: custom:bar-card
            type: grid
            columns: 4
            square: false
            horizontal: true
      - type: entities
          - entity: switch.kettle
          - entity: switch.kettle_keep_warm
          - entity: sensor.kettle_temperature
          - entity: sensor.kettle_setpoint
          - entity: sensor.kettle_state
          - entity: sensor.kettle_volume

you should however just be able to dump the above into your RAW configuration editor and then configure in the UI from there…

Thanks… it works perfectly… Just one think, the sensors used in the ubiquity, mind sharing the yaml file for that. I have most working, but can figure out how you pull the latency avarge…

you will need to check that add-on’s supporting pages and forums as it will all depend on a number of variables, like usg vs udm vs udmpro vs cloud key etc etc etc

I got that part working, it’s just the logic in getting the data for that value. (latency avarge)

Not working

        friendly_name: 'latency average'
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.unifi_status_wan.attributes.latency_average }}'     


        friendly_name: 'WAN IP'
        value_template: '{{ states.sensor.unifi_status_wan.attributes.wan_ip }}'


      friendly_name: 'Internet Latency'
      value_template: '{{ states.sensor.unifi_gateway_www.attributes.latency }}'
      unit_of_measurement: ms
      unique_id: internet_latency

You’d want to use state_attr() in your value template.

Spot on… I’m learning new things every day… :smiley: THANKS

1 Like

yes, you would want to do it this way… I still use the old ways as I have not had time to go back and change all my sensors to use the new way…

1 Like

If the sensor is not available at startup, you will get error messages in the logs with this.

    friendly_name: 'Internet Latency'
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.unifi_gateway_www.attributes.latency }}'
    unit_of_measurement: ms
    unique_id: internet_latency

You should try to avoid, it’s better to use states('xxx'). Or in your case, as it is about attributes, you should use state_attr as mentioned by @firstof9.

That would look like this:

    friendly_name: 'Internet Latency'
    value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.unifi_gateway_www', 'latency') }}"
    unit_of_measurement: ms
    unique_id: internet_latency