I added the systemmonitor sensor but the values for cpu and memory are not lining up with what’s displayed on the Supervisor > System > System Metrics screen. The CPU and Memory values are much higher in the sensor.
- platform: systemmonitor
- type: disk_use_percent
- type: memory_use_percent
- type: memory_free
- type: memory_use
- type: processor_use
- type: processor_temperature
- type: load_1m
- type: load_5m
Should these values line up?
I don’t think so.
The supervisor stats are specific to Supervisor whereas the system monitor is the whole system including any other containers outside HA etc.
I’m running on a Pi4 with nothing other than HA on it so I would expect them to be close?
no because HA has 6 (i think) containers it runs plus addons and you are only seeing the Supervisor there…
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In the above, core+supervisor = 2.9% where as systemmonitor
is showing 27%.
Look in Glances (an addon) and you can see what all the containers/addons are using
@DavidFW1960 Got it installed and it makes much more sense now. Thanks!
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