Table fan, roller blind and door opener

Hi, guys!

The last year I have been playing around with a couple of DIY projects to implement into Home Assistant. Just thought I could share the projects with you, in case it could be for inspiration or something.

The projects are not at all professionally made, but they work for their purposes and is basically good enough in most cases. That said there is room for a lot of improvements, and I would love to see you do so!

I have not had the time to write some detailed instructions, but the repos will suffice for showing of the ideas and partly show how I did it.

Check them out!


Very nice. I would argue that they look very professional to me!

Nice work and guide. I’ve been looking for a roller blind solution so I may use this! (When I get through the bitter Los of jobs!)

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Thank you! Motivating words.

The roller blind is probably my favorite. There’s something magical when the roller blind just goes up along with your alarm and down when you get in bed.

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Just tried the roller blind code, I have the libraries needed but arduino IDE complains about this:

sketch_jun15a:23: error: ‘D1’ was not declared in this scope
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, D1, D2, D5, D6);

Goes for D1, D2, D6 and D6 from this row

Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, D1, D2, D5, D6);

What does your arduino code look like?

I am so sorry for my late response. Just have not had the time lately. Will try to take a look at it this weekend maybe!

Again I’m sorry for not coming back at you. Just been busy with work and other stuff as of late. Was looking at it for a couple of minutes yesterday, and saw that I got the same error as you if my board upload settings were incorrect. Could this be tha cause for you too? When I changed the upload settings, the errors disappeared.