Table Flex Card json url

Hi. Anyone know if there is a possibility to display data from a database or json from url in a table such as flex-table-card?


  - attr_as_list: mediciones
    modify: x.KH
    name: KH
  - attr_as_list: mediciones
    modify: x.CA
    name: CA
  - attr_as_list: mediciones
    modify: x.MG
    name: MG
  - attr_as_list: mediciones
    modify: x.NO3
    name: NO3
  - attr_as_list: mediciones
    modify: x.PO4
    name: PO4
  - attr_as_list: mediciones
    modify: x.Fecha
    name: Fecha
  include: sensor.mediciones
title: Mediciones del Acuario
type: 'custom:flex-table-card'

RESTful Sensor I use it to call a local php file that returns a json in configuration.yaml


Hi Pablo
Could you please show me your RESTful Sensor code ?

How to use it if my json is returned as attribute of a sensor (not sensor state)?

This is how my sensor looks like:

icon: mdi:chip
friendly_name: 1NUC Top Processes usage
response: |
    "data": [
        "proc": "polkitd",
        "cpu": "23,5"
        "proc": "dbus-da+",
        "cpu": "11,8"
        "proc": "top",
        "cpu": "11,8"
        "proc": "Network+",
        "cpu": "5,9"
        "proc": "x11vnc",
        "cpu": "5,9"