This question has been asked before but I think it needs to be asked again partly because hardware specs change and models come and go but mainly because now that Lovelace is the default front end and so likely to become dominant, we need to know what works well with it.
So my question is simply, what tablet do you use for wall mounting and how do you rate it?
I am using a FireHD7 and fairly happy with it. I have been re-writing my lovelace views so that it fits the 7" screen. There’s not a lot of real estate when working with this size so I try not to make things to cluttered looking. Some custom cards work and others don’t. Fortunately I can use the card-modder custom card on just about everything to get a look that I think is pleasing. I know the webview being used by the FireHD is outdated which I assume is why some custom cards don’t work but again I have mostly worked around that. here is an example of one of my views that contains buttons for toggling lights on and off. I use the buttons on the bottom to navigate to other views (easier than trying to fat finger the tiny icons on top : ) A lot of the inspiration is attributed to the many on these forums.