Anyone here supplying their wall mounted tablet via PoE and can share experiences?
I am thinking of doing this but one issue is I cannot turn on/off power (as I could with a smart power switch).
Reason: It is not recommended having the tablet plugged in all the time so a wide recommendation is to use a smart switch and turn off power when battery is >80% and turn on again when battery <20%.
Are there any PoE solutions out there that allow this?
I’m looking for a smart PoE switch that can power on/off the PoE ports idepedantly as well.
I think the Netgear GS30xEP serie can do it.
That being said, the tablets I use for HA dashboarding are basically not supposed to run on batteries ever, so I personally do not care of their wall-being
I have a TP-Link Easy Smart Switch. I need to check if it’s possible to enable/disable PoE per port. But even then, I need a way to automate this via command line/script as Easy Smart switches only have web interface
@koying Ok, I have some great news for you. The inexpensive TL-SG1016PE Easy Smart switch can turn on/off inidividual PoE ports. Sadly it’s a very crappy “pseudo”-managed switch with only web interface. However, someone wrote a HACS extension that can directly enable/disable a port!