I want to put a tablet on the wall with haasio, so we can use our to control stuff. The display timeout is 15 seconds, and outside the browser it sleeps as expected, but when the overview screen is showing, the tablet never sleeps.
How can I set it so it will sleep?
The tablet is in a case, so there’s no access to the power button
Is a Samsung Galaxy tab A. Chrome browser. Want to avoid the tablet being on all the time. Screen saving primarily, but also seems a bit pointless to use power 99% of the time is never looked at
I use Fully Kiosk. As with @VDRainer the tablet does not actually go to sleep, screen goes black (so doesn’t use battery as much since nothing gets displayed) .
But then it also means the screen automatically shows up when motion is detected (using front camera) and the front camera is also used as a CCTV…
Thanks @lolouk44 and @VDRainer I just installed Fully Kiosk and while on the HA overview, it still says fully on. I disabled ‘keep screen on’.
Does this require the PLUS licence. I just set the ‘Screen off timer’ option, which seems to do the trick, but of course leaves the licence message on screen. Or should this work anyway?
I’ve bought the “Plus” licence because the cost is relatively low and one off (not subscription) and gives you so much more. I especially love the kiosk mode so nothing else but HA can be done on the tablet, and since I’m using it as an alarm keypad, I don’t want people / intruders to mess about with anything else in the house.