Hi everyone,
I’m trying to make my Tado AC work, but I can’t figure out how.
I’ve set my username and password as described in the docs, and I can see current temperature.
Clicking on it, I can see a dropdown to select some operation mode (anyway no degrees, no fan speed, etc.), but selecting i.e. “manual”, it doesn’t make anything.
Has someone managed to make it work? Are there some more configuration lines to add?
I think that @wmalgadey has all the informations needed to modify his component but I haven’t heard from him in the last weeks. @syssi has done all the testing on the TADO AC component using my devices and he says that it should work with minimal editing.
No the addon does not work with AC, it needs simple fixes (as @syssi wrote to me) but no one has time right now to do it.
As always I am available for testing but I am not able to modify the component.
To be honest I am using the Smartthings integration via MQTT bridge. I have configured the Tado AC as MQTT Climate devices. No one is working on the Tado AC component right now.
Sure I can test it adding as a custom component and test it. If I can help for testing you can always contact me, I have three Tado ACs and one Tado thermostat in my home so I can check every component.
Any news on this? (I “upgraded” to Tado because my old solution was not stable, but I didn’t know that Tado’s AC are not there at all)
Is there any custom component?