Hey, i am quite new to all this and was happy with just showing all information about my smart home for a long time.
After getting a Bosch door sensor for free and started playing around I tried to stop heating my bathroom when the bathroom window is opened.
So I went to my automation page and created two rules.
One for window_bad_closed and one for window_bad_offen; the rule seems to work because the time for last fired changes.
On my overview cards the window status is shown correctly, so I don’t think the Bosch sensor is the problem.
This is the action part of the automation:
After searching the internet a few pages suggested one should use the “hvac_mode” so i set it to off when the window is opened and to auto when the window is closed again.
Am I missing something?
Not exactly the same but similair.
When the tempature is above x degrees in my room the airco starts cooling it down by an automation. In the same room I got a Tado smart sensor for the heater, I call the service “Turn climate device off” and point it to the entity in that room.
Because when the airco lowers the room tempature below the minimum of the Tado, the Tado will start heating it and we just run in circles.
When the cooling has reached the set tempature, I tell the Tado to set the HVAC mode to auto for that entity.
So in your situation I would do something like:
Open window → climate Turn off Tado entity.
Close window → Set HVAC mode to auto for Tado entity in that room.
Can you post the complete automation (YAML) you created so we can check out what is missing?
- id: '1651499952573'
alias: Fenster_Bad_offen
description: ''
- type: opened
platform: device
device_id: 440f3d587baa134fc7a503f38fa8fd77
entity_id: binary_sensor.fenster_bad
domain: binary_sensor
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions: []
sequence: []
- device_id: d0f8663bf098667bc59aae2a2bafa051
domain: climate
entity_id: climate.bad
type: set_hvac_mode
hvac_mode: 'off'
mode: single
- id: '1651500132757'
alias: Fenster_Bad_closed
description: ''
- type: not_opened
platform: device
device_id: 440f3d587baa134fc7a503f38fa8fd77
entity_id: binary_sensor.fenster_bad
domain: binary_sensor
condition: []
- choose:
- conditions: []
sequence: []
- device_id: d0f8663bf098667bc59aae2a2bafa051
domain: climate
entity_id: climate.bad
type: set_hvac_mode
hvac_mode: auto
mode: single
Hey, this is my automation.yaml
I think the issue is in the action part.
This is my automation for deactivation the airco unit in my bedroom and set the tado sensor back into auto mode for that room:
alias: Deactivate airco in bedroom when target temperature has been reached
description: ''
- platform: template
value_template: >-
{{ states.climate.tado_bedroom.attributes.current_temperature | float <= 18 }}
- condition: state
entity_id: climate.airco_bedroom
state: cool
- service: climate.turn_off
entity_id: climate.airco_bedroom
data: {}
- service: climate.set_hvac_mode
entity_id: climate.tado_bedroom
hvac_mode: auto
mode: single
As you can see, in the action part of my automation I dont do anything with a default. I just tell the airco to turn off by calling its service, after that I tell the tado to execute the service climate_set_hvac_mode with data hvac_mode: auto.