Tado: How to revert to auto from 'on' state

I have a small ESP32 panel at home which I am trying to configure to do lots of things - and so far it has been pretty good.
I can get it to read the room temps, which it displays, alongside the state (heat or not) by way of changing an icon colour.
I can get it to run the tado.set_water_heater_timer or tado.set_climate_timer quite nicely by pressing a button on the LVGL display.

what I cant do is work out how to set the TRVs back to ‘auto’ mode(ie following the pre-set schedule) or even turn it off - i cant see how this fits into the tado services.

any help would be appreciated.

I hope this will help.

I got an AC in one of the bedrooms, in that bedroom I also got a Tado controlling the radiator. When the AC starts cooling I shut down the tado, otherwise the tado thinks its too cold and starts heating.

So what I do is, when the AC starts I shut down the tado and when the room hits the desired temp it stops the AC and switch the Tado back to Auto.

alias: Deactivate AC in bedroom when target temperature has been reached
description: ""
mode: single
  - entity_id: climate.airco
    attribute: current_temperature
    below: 20
    trigger: numeric_state
  - condition: state
    entity_id: climate.airco
    state: cool
  - data: {}
        - climate.airco
    action: climate.turn_off
  - data:
      hvac_mode: auto
      entity_id: climate.tado_bedroom
    action: climate.set_hvac_mode

Hope this wil help you!

Thanks for this.
I ended up doing something a bit different…I just told it to heat but set the timer for 5 seconds.
That way it turns off after 5s.