Tado Integration Problem

Hey i have a Problem to integrate my tado.
it looks kinda strange.
i have seen a pic in the net and he say that he using same code as me.
what i am doing wrong.

  • First the button look different.
  • then it not say “tado” in the upper right corner
  • and what does that “undefined” mean ?
  • and mine not got that + and - Buttons ( i can just clock “home” and can change it to “away”

Please if i can get some help

here is my code:

Please help me. Thanks
(and here is a pic of my Button and how it look like. and then the button i seen in the net and i want that mine look like this and have also that +/- Funktion)

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-20 um 14.20.03