Tado preset mode Auto, switch to Auto (Geofencing) instead of Home/Away?

I’m using the Tado integration and everything seems to be working great apart from in the climate entity when setting the preset mode to away or home it disables geofencing in the Tado app/website. Is geofencing auto something that can be enabled through the API so I don’t have to use the app/website to change it back to auto?

Hi Dan,

I have the same question. Also i tried to use zones from HA to change the state but i looks like that Tado overwrite my changes.

Hi, if you use Node-red I’ve found using the ‘node-red-contrib-tado-client’ node allows you to change the geofencing setting back to auto. It would be good for the functionality available in node-red-contrib-tado-client to be ported into the tado HA integration as I think they both use the same API. I would try and help do it but unfortunately I don’t know how to.


I just experienced this too. I’ve had a look at the code and can see why it’s happening - the integration uses the HomeAssistant climate constants, and they only provide options for Home and Away, but none for Auto. I’m going to have a go at updating the integration to see if I can fix it, and if I can, I’ll do a PR to get it fixed in the core integration.

Hello Craig im also curius…thanks for testing.

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Has anyone managed to put Tado Geofencing Intro „Auto“-Mode via Home Assistant? Here with set.climate_preset service only „Home“- and „Away“-Mode are available.

Unfortenately not. I’m also looking for this function. Have tried to connect to the Tado API but the ‘old’ way I used in an old google script doesn’t seem to work anymore and I cannot find documentation of the API to see if it’s possible in a simple get/put HTTP request.

I know it should be possible using the API, the developer of the tado integration can probably add this in a heartbeat.

@craigrouse did you have any luck fixing this?

I have tado, is it possible to use Home Assistant to set Home and Away if persons A and B arent home? Let HA set preset and not Geofencing in tado app?

For anyone who stumbles this, just as me, this works on tado

action: climate.set_preset_mode
  preset_mode: auto
  area_id: bedroom