Tado Smart AC Control V3+ cannot be set to heat/cool/fan

As of yet there is no swing configuration for Tado’s Smart AC V3+. Yet, you can turn it on and off, set its HVAC mode and the according temperature.

Is there a workaround to make this work. A custom component?
There was a custom component doing the swing and the fan but after the upgrade of home assistant to version 2023.5 if I am not mistaken it broke it.

Is there no solution to set the fan speed and swing mode?

Sorry to resurrect an old thread.

Using the core tado integration can Tado AC settings be controlled? I’m trying to set up an automation to switch on drying mode when needed.

Using the set_hvac model and switch_on functions doesn’t seem to do anything.

It all works from the tado app directly.

Can confirm it works via Apple Home Connect.

However that route doesn’t give access to all the AC modes, dry in particular is not available which I am looking to use.