Tado smart thermostat + zigbee TRV valves

My home setup has 2x Tado thermostat where each one is controlling a zone in the house (1st Floor and Ground floor).

I would like to add Sonoff zigbee TRV valves in each room to control the temperature of each room individually.

What would be the best way that one any of the TRV valve calls for heat, the tado thermostat will need to call for heat indipendetly of the temperature set on it, I assume it needs to change the target temp on it to trigger the boiler to start.

Is there an existing component that would let me organize this setup? Or shall I simply get rid of Tado and add a simple switch to switch the boiler on/off ? if this is the case, I should then also uprade the valves to the 2x radiators where the current thermostat are located.

Looking for ideas/advise on how to get it organized.

Hi @acarlo,

You’re in for a world of pain if your anything like me. :smile:

I’m about to do something similar with my heating system. I have two ZWave Thermostat’s and 13 Sonoff TRV’s spread across three floors. My boiler also has a ZWave controller that I can associate my Thermostats with, which gives me a basic heating system that’s not clever in anyway.

My initial approach is to manually adjust the 2 Thermostats in terms of required temperature and to automate the boiler control side of things. Once I have that working and I’m happy I’ll then move onto the TRV’s. Again trying to keep things simple by setting the TRV’s temperature to be 0.5/1 degree above that of the Thermostat required temperature. This would give me a good base to then build on.

Having multiple zones makes this all quite complicated to work out, so I’m trying to keep things as simple as I can. I want to finish up with a heating system that can look after itself over the year and need little to no input from me or anyone else in the house.

Here’s a few data points I’m starting to build up and collect.

  • Time of Day
  • Season
  • Outside Temperature
  • Occupied Room(s)
  • House Status (At work, on holiday, etc…)

Hopefully that all makes sense.

I was thinking to use the Better Thermostat integration since it will let you group more thermostat together, so in my case I would group all the TRV and thermostat on the same floor.

Then I would create a temp sesnor reporting always the highest temp between all the Thermostat and TRV of the group and use that value to fire the boiler.

The tricky part will be how to handle the temp setting on the thermostat to swithc it on/off since the only trigger seems to be increasing the target temp.

Worth checking this topic.

I have done something like this, I have 4 Tado TRV’s linked to my Tado wired thermostat and 2 Sonoff Zigbee TRV’s.
These are all integrated into home assistant, the Tado system works fine but I’ve tweaked the geolocation to work with individual devices so instead of just everyone away it, it now turns of my sons bedroom if he leaves the house.
I’ve also got my zigbee TRV’s working in much the same way but to trigger the boiler when the TRV’s request heat, I’ve wired a sonoff zigbee relay switch in parallel with the Tado thermostat so that either systems can fire the boiler as and when required.

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Hi, I’m about to do the same with a combi boiler and I’d be interested in understanding how you wired this please.