Tado Thermostat

Hi All.

Please go easy while i learn this system. I am moving over from SmartThings and maybe SharpTools. :slight_smile:

I am very new to HA and i am also looking at Node Red. I just need some help to get a simple Node Red Flow working. This will help me understand the process so i can move forward. Right now i cant see the wood for the trees.

So as said i use Tado for my heating System and this is where my HA journey is stating. I have created a Boolean Helper called HA_Helper_Office_Boost_1hr_Toggle

Now what i am trying to do with Node Red is

  1. if that Helper is pressed On i want it to do…
  2. switch on my Tado Office TRV
  3. Set the Temperature to say 20
  4. Stay on for 1 hour
  5. After 1 hour switch the TRV back to auto
  6. Set the Helper to Off.

If anyone is able to help me create this first one it will go along way to me understanding this more.

Many thanks

Ok, so i have been playing around and have something very basic. I can get it to switch the Thermostat on and off

What i am having issues with is setting the temperature. Anyone have any pointers here?

Thank you for the reply. I am sure i saw another post with similar settings and when i tried it last night it didn’t work. However i have tried again and it is working now. Maybe i had a typo. But thank you for taking the time to reply.
