Hi All.
Please go easy while i learn this system. I am moving over from SmartThings and maybe SharpTools.
I am very new to HA and i am also looking at Node Red. I just need some help to get a simple Node Red Flow working. This will help me understand the process so i can move forward. Right now i cant see the wood for the trees.
So as said i use Tado for my heating System and this is where my HA journey is stating. I have created a Boolean Helper called HA_Helper_Office_Boost_1hr_Toggle
Now what i am trying to do with Node Red is
- if that Helper is pressed On i want it to do…
- switch on my Tado Office TRV
- Set the Temperature to say 20
- Stay on for 1 hour
- After 1 hour switch the TRV back to auto
- Set the Helper to Off.
If anyone is able to help me create this first one it will go along way to me understanding this more.
Many thanks