Tado X - Home Assistant integration not working

I need your help.
I have moved to Tado X and is a little a nightmare, nothing appear to work.
It took me more than 5 hour to have the bridge, Smart thermostat and Smart Valves connected and working.
I’ve done all of it with the Tado App.
I’ve found the Device Linking with the Matter icon :). Yesterday it was not working, today it generates the code.
As per instructions I’ve generated the code of the Smart Valve I want to add and then opened the Home Assistant Companion → Integration/Devices → Devices → Add device → Add Matter Device → Yes It’s already in use → Other Controller → Paste the Device Linking Code in the Setup Code field → Done → Add Device
I get the Adding the Device, this may take a minute or two

and then…
Failed to Add the Device

With no explanation nor how can I fix it :frowning:

Can anyone help?

I found this patch to show the valves through the tado integration (not matter). Add the integration url via hacs and search for tado afterwards. Restart HA and go to devices and services. Add Tado and login with your account. Devices should be there:


Thank you, amazing! it works!

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You’re welcome :wink:

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