Tahoma Switch & Zigbee


we have some Somfy and Velux shutters and a wind and rain sensor. Because of that I want to buy a Tahoma Switch to integrate them in Home Assistant. The second reason why I choosed the Tahoma Switch is the integrated Zigbee.
I read already that I should use the Overkiz integration but here I read that Zigbee is not supported from Overkiz.
Dose anyone have the Tahoma Switch and can tell my how I can integrate it (ideally local / without cloud usage) so that I also can use Zigbee?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards

Which ZigBee devices do you want to expose to Home Assistant via the TaHoma Switch?

The reason why we don’t support ZigBee devices in the HA integration, is because it is sub optimal. The feedback won’t be real-time due to the polling mechanism that is used. You will only get updates every 30 seconds, which is not great for most sensors.
ZigBee is super easy to add directly to Home Assistant, well supported, and has the benefit that it works real-time with a push mechanism, instead of polling.

I don’t no exactly, but for me the IKEA devices are very interesting (at least for starting).
Is it possible to use the Tahoma Switch with the Overkiz integration and the Zigbee integration at the same time? Or does the Zigbee integration not work with the Thaoma Switch?

The latter. See Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io) for possibilities with Zigbee in HA. These dongles are fairly cheap and easy to set up.

So Zigbee over Tahoma Switch won’t work? That was the main reason why I have planned to buy the Tahoma Switch instead of the Connection Box.
In Summary I have 6 io shutters and one wind- and rain sensor. Because of the amount of devices the Connection Box would be enough (I just don’t know if the wind- and rain sensor can be integrated in the Connection Box).
Is the Connection Box also supported by Overkiz Integration?

I just saw that the Connectivity Kit does not have the option of being integrated via the local API. Therefore it will probably be the Tahoma Switch.
It’s just a shame that there is no way to use the Tahoma Switch’s Zigbee.

Some of the sensors/lights are supported in HA, because they use a similar config as the Somfy devices, and thus will be picked up by the Overkiz integration.

These ZigBee dongles are cheap, and offer real-time communication + easy config via Home Assistant. This is a 1000x better option, and thus I don’t see why you would want ZigBee via the TaHoma Switch.

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OK. Then I think I will buy an extra Zigbee-Stick (probably a Skyconnect) and install Zigbee2MQTT. I hope this works because my Synology (where HA is installed) is places in the cellar. But I will see :wink:

Thank you for your help!

Cool! There are also ZigBee + WiFi coordinators in case you don’t have enough coverage.
Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)