Tailscale - difference between addons?


Wondering what the difference is between tsujamin and Frenck’s addon? Having virtually zero config settings to play with I cannot understand why tsujamin’s addon works and Frenck’s does not (at least for me, as I see forum posts of happy users too).

Only setting I have ticked is accept routes and then entered machine key in tsujamin’s addon, in Frenck’s I did the sign-in workflow which resulted in the machine appearing in the tailscale dashboard.

I think I can ping to HA for both addons, but getting out works on one only.

Use case: have a remote machine as an off-site backup host which I’d like to have appearing in portainer add-on. (thank you for your generosity Frenck for that one and other addons).

This is not about which one is better, I’m sure I’m the only reason why one is working and the other not but don’t see what I’m doing wrong. Unless I have the usecase wrong and it is about reaching HA and not about finding other tailscale hosts?

Many thanks!

Good question.
tsujamin’s seems to be the oldest, so not sure why Frenck decided to do its own (besides the fact that the “Community” addon repo is basically his own, really :wink: )

Actually, FYI, he removed that one from his, err…, the community addons :wink:

Yes, and I think I know why now: I try to keep my RPI4 clean so that one is dedicated to HA. I have a second installation on a NUC which also has a nextcloud and deepstack container and noticed that now that installation is unsupported as it is running additional software… Unsupported software - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

Not superhappy with that - if I put a wrapper around deepstack to make it a HA addon that does not suddenly ‘change’ how that container behaves. Still, that looks like the difference between supported and unsupported installation.
