Tailwind integration becomes unavailable every few minutes when disabling internet access

I am running the Tailwind integration on HA, and have recently disabled internet access via my router for my Tailwind device. The integration continues to work, but periodically it will show as unavailable.

With internet access disabled, I am still able to perform all operations on my Tailwind device, but the espressif devices becomes unavailable every few minutes, and the Garage Door device becomes unavailable every few months

  1. Install fresh instance of HA
  2. Install/configure Tailwind device (IP/local access key via Tailwind portal)
  3. Test door open/close to confirm it is integrated correctly
  4. Go to your router, disable internet access to Tailwind static IP
  5. Go to HA, everything works.
  6. A few seconds later, entities become unavailable

Is this potentially a bug?