Take over zwave network


I’ve used Athom Homey for quite some time and I’ve got several devices added to it. I want to migrate my whole zwave network to Home Assistant, but I really would prefer to not add them one by one.

I have extracted the S0/S2 keys from Athom Homey and Homey also has a “Home Group ID”.

I have installed Z-wave JS UI connected it to Mosquitto as mqtt broker. The z-wave device I’m using is an Aeotec Z-PI7 connected trough serial port (/dev/ttyAMA0).

Is there a way to “take over” this z-wave network or do I have to add devices one-by-one?


Just in case yiu not aware, mqtt not required. You may use websocket

Network is on stick. Disconnect stick from homey and connect to zwavejs and should populate. Need to add keys to zwavejs

Yeah, I know I don’t need mqtt, but I believed this was the best practice way to add zwave to HA?

There is no zwave stick on the Homey. It’s a proprietary “ball” with some proprietary electronics in it :sweat_smile:

No, “best practice” would be to use the Z-Wave integration, which is the recommended way to use Z-Wave in HA. You can use Z-Wave JS UI with the websocket server as mentioned to do this, and supplement with MQTT if you want.

The only two possibilities are either NVM backup and restore, or Controller shift.

NVM backup and restore allows transferring the network from one controller to another by copying the controller memory that holds the network information. The format is not compatible between 500-series (Homey) and 700-series (Aeotec Z-Stick 7). If you were able to get a raw NVM dump from homey, you might be able to convert it using a Z-Wave JS command line utility, but I’m not sure about that. You’d need to ask Homey support (or check your manual / app) if it’s possible to get a raw NVM backup. This is probably not a viable option.

Controller Shift allows transferring the Z-Wave network between a primary controller and a secondary controller. The secondary controller is promoted to primary. One result of this is that your primary controller is no longer Node 1, which is functionally fine, but is non-standard. Z-Wave JS does not support this, and you’d need to confirm with Homey support (or check your manual / app) if they support Controller Shift. The Silicon Labs PC Controller Software would support this function.

In either case, your first step would be to confirm with Homey whether either of these scenarios are possible. If not, there’s nothing you can really do besides excluding and including the devices again.

In case someone suggests using the Aeotec as a secondary controller, and keeping Homey as a primary, note that Z-Wave JS does not currently support any secondary controller functionality. Some things may work, but other things may not, so you’ll just generally have a bad time.

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Thanks for a great reply! This is exactly what I needed an answer to <3