Take snapshot from Nest cam daily

I am trying to create a simple automation that will grab a snapshot each day at the exact time and store them to create a time lapse over the year.
My problem is, when it creates the snapshot, it is a black image, like the camera is not awake.
I did try searching for blueprints, but most of what i see is “on motion” (which wakes the camera) instead of at a set time. Any help would be great.

alias: Daily Camera Snapshot
description: Ensure camera is active before taking a snapshot
  - platform: time
    at: "08:00:00"
  - service: camera.play_stream
      entity_id: camera.outside
      media_player: media_player.dummy 
  - delay: "00:00:05"  # Give the camera 5 seconds to warm up
  - service: camera.snapshot
      entity_id: camera.outside
      filename: "/mnt/DailyCamSnaps/nest_snapshot_{{ now().strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H-%M-%S') }}.jpg"
mode: single

Hello yxqzme2,

Thanks for coming here and asking a question.
Would you be so kind as to adjusting the format of your code so that we can read it properly & check the YAML spacing, etc. Editing your original is the preferred way. It is very hard for us to tell what is what when the text formatter jumbles everything like that.
Use the </> button or this:
Here is an example of how to fix it from the site FAQ Page.
How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

Thank you for the tip…corrected.

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where you able to figure this out? i was trying to usse visionllm and it can only capture black screen. as you mentioned it seems to be sleeping