"Tamper" in ZHA

There is any ETA for “tamper” feature support in ZHA integration?

This is more and more supported by different IAS components, like:

Develco, Feibit, Linkind, Bosch, Heiman, Lidl Silvercrest and so on.


There are indeed a lot of sensors with this features. The IASZone byte has a few properties:

    1. Alarm1: ‘Not alarmed’
    1. Alarm2: ‘Not alarmed’
    1. Tampered: 0
    1. LowBattery: 0
    1. PeriodicReports: 0
    1. RestoreReports: 1
    1. Trouble: 0
    1. ACFault: 0
    1. BatteryDefect: 0
    1. TestMode: 0
    1. Delay: 0

Zonestatus knows the status of this properties. In this example the bits of Restore_reports, Supervision_reports, Tamper and Alarm_1 are set.

2022-02-08 20:17:41 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0xe3e6:1:0x0500] ZCL request 0x0000: [<ZoneStatus.Restore_reports|Supervision_reports|Tamper|Alarm_1: 53>, <bitmap8.0: 0>, 0, 0]

But… In the code only alarm1 and alarm2 are send through hass dispatcher. Battery and tamper are just ignored :frowning:

Is there meanwhile any solution for the other IAS-ZoneStatus attributes?