Tankerkoenig - add City (Place) to stations (dropdown list, entity name ...)

Short description

The Tankerkoenig intergration builds the names of the stations without the city name. That is fine if all stations are within one city, but time consuming for areas with many cities.
I solved this for me by adding the bold part
{station[‘place’]} {station[‘brand’]} {station[‘street’]} …
in config_flow.py (2x) and entity.py (1x)
and adding the integration after restart of homeassistant.
so now I can select the stationname by the city additionally:

  • Calw Shell Stuttgarter Str. B295/B296 Diesel
  • Herrenberg ARAL Stuttgarter Straße 43 Diesel
  • Gaertringen TotalEnergies Boeblinger Str. 6 Diesel

Affected version

2023.11.3 core (and earlier).


For people that already use Tankerkoenig, my proposal could be annoying, because already existing entity names lead to an error message and the integration does not work as expected.
I did not find a quick solution apart from deleting exisiting Tankerkoenig enitities first.
If this will take over to the source, a migration path from the old entity names to the futurer entity names must be found.