Tap Action to open a local file instead of a website

Hello Community,

I was wondering if there was a way to open i.e. an Excel File by clicking a button on the dashboard. I tried just using the local path but I it didn’t work - as I was fairly sure it wouldn’t work but I still tried it.

Do you know of anyway to accomplish this? Maybe through a script or template?

You could try creating a shell command and calling that as the tap action.

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Thank you this seems right now I just have to find out how to open the file in the application instead of in the terminal

Okay so I solved it a bit differently since no command seemed to work.

I wrote a python script that listens to mqtt topics and opens the excel file when a certain topic gets published. To trigger that I equipped a button with the MQTT Publish service.
Does exactly what I wanted to so this is good enough for me.

Thank you for the hint Tom!

How do you actually open the file? What kind of service do you use?