Tap on Location Entity, Link to Google Maps

I want to have a map card and be able to tap on an entity, and have HA link me to Google Maps with the latitude and longitude so that I can navigate straight to it, via walking or driving. This is mostly in order to find my truck in a parking lot.

Anyone have any ideas?

Hi, did you found out how?

I did not, if you find a way to do this please report back here

alias: "e2008: Navigate to car"
  - service: notify.mobile_app_sm_s918b
          - action: URI
            title: Abrir Google Maps
            uri: >
              state_attr('binary_sensor.psa_position', 'latitude') }},{{
              state_attr('binary_sensor.psa_position', 'longitude')
      message: Clica para abrir o Google Maps e navegar.
      title: "Localização do carro "
mode: single

I would be interested in using that. Where do you put that code?

it’s a script, call it when you click on the card