Tapo Integration

Hi All,

I’ve been running the home assistant server for a couple of months now and starting to get the hang of it in ‘simple’ mode. :grin: I was just wondering though if anyone has had a luck with the TP Link Tapo smart bulbs/sensors? I’ve been using the bulb for a bit and am quite impressed with the features and quality!

I see TP Link Kasa is integrated but not Tapo… A quick search shows people using the cameras but not easily and not alot about the smart devices…

Thanks in advance for any assistance!

There is the HACS tapo integration?

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Thanks Vingerha, I’ll take a look!

Just to update this for anyone that finds it, Tapo devices are now officially supported in HA under the ‘TP link’ integration. It has discovery (so you don’t need to know the IP of the device) and doesn’t need a credentials every time you add a device.

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