Tapo L510B intergration

Hi all

Recently got my home up and running with home assistant and getting some of my devices tied in with pretty good success.

I am now trying to tie in my Tapo bulbs, I have looked around a seen people having success with some of the plugs with custom integrations, but nothing around the lights. I have tried just putting the ip for the light in instead of the plug but got errors during the setup. I have also just tried the python script outside of HA but still getting the same error message.

I did also see that TP-link have changed something recently with their API so this may also be why nothing is working, buit any help would be great :slight_smile:

I have now cloned https://github.com/fishbigger/TapoP100 by fishBigger as just the python scripts and tried it in python without Home Assistant over the top. When walking though with the debugger was getting the following Error:


From other posts this looks like its an issue with my login, i have tried some of the methods (change password, disconnect and reconnect device) but not had much luck getting past this step

Has any got a Tapo L530B working with Home Assistant and instructions yet ?..