Tapo LED strips not turning on

HI there guys,

I have create the below automation:

alias: Salty lamp
description: "Salt lamp acts as a night light in the ensuite between 7pm & 7am "
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.ensuite_motion_sensor_occupancy_5
        - switch.ensuite_lamp_switch
        - light.under_bed_lights
    dynamic_lighting_max_lux: 900
    dynamic_lighting_step_value: 87
    include_time: time_enabled
    after_time: "16:30:00"
    before_time: "07:00:00"
    time_delay: 0.5
      - use_brightness
    include_night_lights: night_lights_enabled
      entity_id: light.under_bed_lights
    night_time_delay: 0.5
      - use_brightness
    night_light_brightness: 10
      - time_enabled
    night_lights_after_time: "22:00:00"
    night_lights_before_time: "06:00:00"

This switch part of it turns on no worries however the LED strip will only sometimes turn on. However, on the home assistant app or the Tapo app it states the strip as been in the on position but there is no light emitting. If i open up the light control on HA or Tapo app and adjust the light brightness by 1% it will then turn on.

I have tried other automations as well however i still get the same issue with the light not actually emitting light.
So i created an automation in the tapo App itself doing the same thing and its works flawlessly everytime. Not sure if this is a common issue with Tapo LEDs or i am doing something wrong.

Thank you

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Me too have this problem. In the Tapo app ti show on but is not. I also have a lot of devices from Tp-Link but no problem there, only the led strips won’t work

I’m getting the same issue here with a Tapo LED strip.

I first noticed it when using scenes. The behavior I see is as follows:

  • Scene A has the light on.
  • Scene B has the light off.

With the light off…

  • Toggling to Scene A the first time turns the light on.
  • Toggling to Scene B then turns it off as expected.
  • Toggling back to Scene A will not turn the light on, however Home Assistant reports it as being on and in the desired state, it is wrong.
  • Further toggling between scenes results in no physical change.

Got it to an easy to reproduce format. It seems calling light.turn_on and light.turn_off on these devices is fine, it toggles between them as expected.

However, when you try call light.turn_on with any kind of extra payload information (like color for example) then, while it will work fine the first time, once you light.turn_off it, future light.turn_ons with the payload will fail to change the state of the light. I’ll file a more detailed bug report on the integration page if I get a change.