Tapping dashboard tabs accidently hits buttons

Hi all,

I have multiple tabs on my main dashboard, and all of them are too big for my mobile, so I have to scroll. But the buttons on top for the other tabs obviously have some transparency not only in view but also in control: if I hit any of those, it also hands through the tap action to the below.

Example: this is a part of my dashboard, scrolled down to a specific extend

As you can see, there are 2 identical mushroom buttons for my 2 garage doors, and above the dashboard sub pages. If I now tap any of those, be it the camera or the car one, it sometimes (not always but sometimes) hits also the garage door and it opens. In the end, I am to the dashboard I wanted, but the garage is open (and I even didn´t recognize it)

Is this something related to the theme maybe?

Am I the only one having this issue or is it a generally known one but everybody simply accepting it?

Maybe you have a z index set somewhere in mushroom, try removing it

Oh I was wrong, it´s a custom:button-card, sorry - but anyway, it does not matter what is in the background below the top menu items I tap. If a tap on those in the background causes any action without interaction, it will get hit sometimes. This above was one example only of many.

@VietNgoc is probably right. It should be because of a wrong set z-index in CSS. You can copy the yaml code from the dashboard and search in a text editor for “z-index:” BUT it can also be from your custom theme.
Try selecting the default one and see if it still overlaps. If yes search in the theme code for the wrong z-index, if not try another card like tile.

vscode finds this 356 times in 120 files, but not in dashboard nor theme yaml. So ?!?