I’ve spent the most soul-crushing hour of my life trying to setup DuckDNS, which culminated in a PR. Anyway I believe I have the DuckDNS component setup correctly and received the following which seemed positive:
I then configured HA accordingly:
api_password: !secret http_password
login_attempts_threshold: 5
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
Now on restart HASSIO, my logs are filled with the error:
2018-04-15 08:14:35 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event system_log_event[L]: timestamp=1523776475.0629253, level=ERROR, message=Error doing job: Task was destroyed but it is pending!, exception=, source=core.py>
2018-04-15 08:14:35 ERROR (SyncWorker_12) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task was destroyed but it is pending!
And I cannot view the front end:
Any advice before I catch the boat to Shutter Island?
On commenting out the refs to the certificates and rebooting, the error disappears and front end is visible. However does defeat the point of trying to configure the certificates.
I’ve now created an issue.
api_password: !secret http_password
login_attempts_threshold: 5
# ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
# ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem