Tasker/HTTP Post&Get/0.77

Please accuse me if this has already been addressed, but I saw some discussion of Tasker and the inability to make POST and GET request using 0.77 and the new authentication system. Is this correct? What is the workaround? Is it a fix on the HASS side or Tasker side? Sorry, if this has been clearly addressed, I was just confused and it’s a feature I use often. I haven’t upgraded yet (haven’t made the 76.2 jump either), just trying to prepare for the future. Also, I am currently using an API password. Thank you in advance!

Nothing break if you are using API password.

Great! Thank you!

I am in a similar boat. I am setting up a tasker task that users the URL post with the api_password=xxxxx. I am still on version 0.72 and will upgrade in a bit. I have this working where

server:port - https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xx
Path /api/services/switch/turn_on?api_password=xxxx
Data/File {entity_id": “switch.fan”}
Content Type application/json

My big concern though is that the api password is in the URL string. I know it is https but still is there a different place to put this? At https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/en/external_api_rest.html the curl command uses “x-ha-access: YOUR_PASSWORD” but I can’t figure out where to put that in tasker and whether that actually makes it more secure or not. I feel uncomfortable sending my password in a URL string over the internet. I think everything after the server address gets encrypted but am not 100% sure.

There isn’t another place that I am aware of. That is the setup using an API password, which is required for .77 I think