Tasker integration for Zanzito?

Is there a way to integrate Zanzito with Tasker? Minimally, I’d like to be able to have Tasker poke Zanzito and have it send a position update. LIke when I get into the car, or when I arrive home and Tasker sniffs my residential Wi-Fi.

I could do this if there was an intent that tasker listened for. I realize I can use Tasker itself to send an MQTT message, but I’d really rather not go down that path and attempt to reproduce behavior that’s already in place in Zanzito.

U can publish to this topic zanzito/device-name/sendheartbeat and have zanzito manual send you the update.

U can publish to this topic zanzito/device-name/sendheartbeat and have zanzito manual send you the update.

If zanzito got killed offer/in the background, it might not actually be connected to receive the message. If I could poke it with an android intent, it would ideally have the effect of waking it up to transmit an update.