
Hi all,

I’ve got the tasker MQTT publisher plugin working perfectly when connected to my home network. However i access my HA via DuckDNS when outside of my network and i can’t figure out how to set up the Tasker plugin to allow for this if at all possible. I’ve currently got https://mydomain.duckdns.org and the port set to 1883 but the MQTT messages aren’t being received by HA. I’m using the Mosquitto add-on if this makes a difference.

Thanks all

Hi guys any help? Pulling my hair out here

Since I dont want to expose my Mosquitto instance (but instead expose my HAss instance to the outside world), I took another approach…

(I did that, because the Torque app does not support SSL connections and I want to upload my car logfile to HAss)

1)create a webhook automation

- id: 'mqtt_publish_webhook'
  alias: Webhook MQTT Publish
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: webhook
      webhook_id: <long_random_hash>
  - data_template:
      retain: true
      topic: "{{trigger.json.topic }}"
      payload: "{{trigger.json.payload}}"
    service: mqtt.publish

As result, I can use Tasker’s built in HTTP POST to publish data.

P.S. I also use AutoTools to build a JSON string the lazy way…


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Thanks mate, I’m fairly new so alot of that doesn’t make sense at the minute but I’ll get reading and get it sorted. Thank you


Could you share how you managed to do this. I want to do the same thing but have no clue on how to acheive this.

Could you share your tasker profiles and tasks as well as HA config relative to this?


Sure. I can provide detailed infos when I’m back home…

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Great thanks!

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