Tasmota after power failure

I experienced a very short power failure today, around 2 minutes. My HA instance stayed up, because <I have it on a UPS, but my wifi and most of my Tasmota devices went offline. When everything came back on, several of my Tasmota devices seemed to be taking longer than usual to contact my MQTT service again.

I have these devices set to WifiConfig 2 (spawn an access point if the configured wifi network is unavailable), and typically after 5 minutes or so of nothing connecting to them, it’ll try again to reach the configured network. Slowly, some of them started to come back. However, 7 or 8 of them did not. I could connect to their access points and re-enter the wifi informatoin, but they still did not re-join the network. I waited about an hour and 2 of the devices managed to re-join after 35 minutes or so, but the remaining ones did not. I decided that was enough time, and shut off the circuit breakers to the devices that still had not come back. After rebooting again after the power cut they re-joined my network immediately.

I have various different types of devices running Tasmota including Sonoff Basics, Kuled light switches, NodeMCUs, and some former Tuya plugs. There doesn’t seem to be any relation to the type of hardware that this applies to.

I have no explanation for this behaviour, and I’m trying to think of a way to write up a bug for Tasmota’s github, but I really have no idea where to start. Has anyone else experienced this kind of behaviour? It was a bit scary that I couldn’t get the devices to come back without cutting the power. I was starting to think I was going to have to uninstall and re-flash them.

If you turn on/off 10 times it will go into AP mode you can connect to it manually (tasmota-6678) and reconfigure, saved me a bunch of times, but the not connecting even with correct credentials is wierd do they each have a reserved ip in the router?