I am a switcher from IoBroker and very excited about the many features of that Home Assistant offers.
So far the switch is going very smoothly, I am only getting stuck with intergrating my Tuya Wifi blinds. Been busy for two days now and can’t get it done.
I flashed the blinds with Tasmota at the time, they were then set up as a dimmer.
The blinds in question are these Tuya Wifi blinds: Zemismart Updated RF Remote Roller Shade Motor (M515EGB) Configuration for Tasmota
And I followed this guide to get the blinds into Home Assistant: Tuya Covers in Tasmota and Home Assistant | Blakadder's Smarthome Shenanigans
Only it doesn’t work that way The blinds are not visible in my MQTT broker, I can only see them when I go to ‘entities’ and there it says they are not available. I get the error message below:
I can see the blinds via the Tasmota add-on, but there they are recognized as dimmer. I tried to change the domain there from dimmer to blinds, but that is not possible either.
I don’t know what I am overlooking. Hopefully someone can get me started!
Kind Regards