Tasmota devices not showing up after following Tasmota integration docs

I have around 10 devices running the Tasmota firmware, most of them running the latest version (v9.5.0). None of them are running a lite version. I can access the web interface of all of them using their IP addresses. I made sure to run SetOption19 0 on all of them as the documentation says.
All Tasmota devices responded the same way:

21:11:35.852 CMD: SetOption19 0
21:11:35.857 RSL: RESULT = {"SetOption19":"OFF"}
21:11:36.459 LOG: Home Assistant MQTT Discovery disabled.

(Can anybody please explain to me why the documentation is saying to disable MQTT Discovery, but to install and set up MQTT and the broker in Home Assistant. This is extremely confusing to me!)

Since all my Tasmota devices had the same default names I specified a unique “Device Name” and “Friendly Name” for all of them in the Tasmota web interface of each device. (because the screenshot here kinda suggested specifying a custom name)

In Home Assistant I installed the MQTT integration and the Mosquitto broker from the Add-on store and after a reboot I also installed the Tasmota integration. I rebooted again and after the reboot I rebooted all of my Tasmota devices and waited and waited and waited… Then I rebooted Home Assistant again, but still no Tasmota device is showing up.

They never showed up in Home Assistant.

Why is this not working? How do I debug this?

My Tasmota devices are really simple devices with virtually no custom configuration. They should all be supported (some of them are relays, some are lights, some are smart outlets)…

The docs I was talking about:

Turns out that even though you are supposed to disable MQTT discovery on each Tasmota device, you have to enter the MQTT broker IP, user and password on every Tasmota device…

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