I’ve been having constant disconnects and reconnects in all my Tasmota devices. It’s only from MQTT.
I tried updating Tasmota and reinstalling Mosquito. etc. Nothing seems to work
Hi, thanks for the help.
I’ve tried all that.
I even deployed another Mosquitto server. ZB Bridge doesn’t use MQTT but WebSocket, and it has the same problem.
It doesn’t seem to be wifi. I never lost ping to the devices. I have 5 Tasmota devices, I updated 2 of them, but the issue is still here
I know you say it’s been working for years but is the clientID different for each connecting device? MQTT requires unique clientID’s for each client and will immediately force disconnection of duplicates.
You can have duplicate usernames connected though.
Hi! The problem drove me crazy for a week. In the end, It was “wifi” related. My Router/AP was crazy hot. With this, the Router CPU usage was too high and it bottlenecked every few minutes causing packets lost. The ESPs never reported that the wifi connection was lost. As soon As I cooled it down, all the problems were solved.