I’m using tasmota on a nodemcu, it has 4 switches and 1 relay connected. I’ve installed the mosquito broker and set discovery, and typed setoption19 on. But only the relay is showing up. In the info log I get this
Any ideas?
I’m using tasmota on a nodemcu, it has 4 switches and 1 relay connected. I’ve installed the mosquito broker and set discovery, and typed setoption19 on. But only the relay is showing up. In the info log I get this
Any ideas?
Did you set the module type in tasmota? You can find it in the tasmota web interface (standard this is set to sonoff basic). Also it would be wise to update tasmota to 6.4.1 (if you haven’t already) as this will make mqtt discovery work a little better in Home Assistant.
Edit: ah sorry didn’t read it well enough. You use NodeMCU, unfortunately I have zero knowledge in that area. Still worth a try though.
you have to set module to generic for a nodemcu, not sure if any others would work ?
I wouldn’t know for sure, but generic should work fine in most cases. You would have to set the GPIO’s manually for some devices. But like I said I have no real knowledge of NodeMCU. I think the best is to try some modules for your configuration. Just remember that for testing purposes that you don’t have it connected to mains power (I would use your programmer to test your module tbh)
small update, I uninstalled mosquito and tried adding 1 of my switches manually using the basic inbuilt mqtt broker, and it works fine
Any update on this? I have 4 Sonoff switches working great with auto discovery, but just added a single NodeMCU (using the generic module) which doesn’t show up.
In my case I had to set it to a sonoff basic first, then in console set: “SetOption19 on” (without quotes).
After that change module to generic (or anything else) this worked for me as for some reason SetOption19 doesn’t work when I select a different module before I have discovery setup.
I’ll give that a try, thanks!