i see a lot of people have this issue and now myself included. i’ve played around with the combinations but none work for my smart plug https://blakadder.github.io/templates/amysen_YS-WS01.html
. (im on HA .93.2)
tasmota information shows:
|MQTT Host||
|MQTT Port |1883|
|MQTT User |user|
|MQTT Client |DVES_611111|
|MQTT Topic |tuya01|
|MQTT Group Topic |tasmotas/cmnd/|
|MQTT Full Topic |tuya01/cmnd/|
|MQTT Fallback Topic |cmnd/DVES_611111_fb/|
my configuration.yaml shows:
- platform: mqtt
name: "kids room"
command_topic: cmnd/tuya01/power
state_topic: stat/tuya01/POWER
availability_topic: tele/tuya01/LWT
qos: 1
retain: false
payload_on: "ON"
payload_off: "OFF"
payload_available: "Online"
payload_not_available: "Offline"
it shows up on the web GUI but clicking on the switch does nothing.