Tasmota integration with DeepSleep mode


With the Tasmota integration, devices that use deepsleep mode appear as unavailable.


If you encounter this issue, you need to manually recreate all the sensors to address this problem.

Since version 13.1.0, a new MQTT topic for managing with the deepsleep mode has been created by Tasmota to facilitate integration with HA : New DEEPSLEEP topic for HA + Battery Level % support by stefanbode · Pull Request #19134 · arendst/Tasmota · GitHub

Is it possible to anticipate this update soon?
It would greatly facilitate the configuration of such devices under HA.



There’s an open PR which adds this support #263 observe deep sleep and keep sensors always available by fra-orolo · Pull Request #264 · emontnemery/hatasmota · GitHub
However, the PR is not using the new MQTT topic for managing deepsleep.

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We already have in the discovery message a dslp 1 or 0 to propagate to home assistant that the device may behave different. Anyhow the current integration need major change because “offline” on LWT is not offline anymore if dspl=1. I assume the solution with the minimal change would be to assume devices with dspl=1 are always online and just skip the offline. So these will never go offline.