Tasmota IR Blaster - need some help to integrate

I meant the IR remote you try to capture.


I think you simply need to press longer on your remote. I noticed the same behavior on my Avatto S6 :
( A LG remote, markedd AKB74915346)

The ‘UNKNOWN’ or short presses, the ‘NEC’ are longer presses. On my 2 UFO1’s I don’t need to do that ? They show the short press immediately.

Thanks superczar. I have a lot of questions.

  1. How did you get the Oakter remote box cover open? I tried to open it with finger nails from the corner but it felt like perhaps the cover was glued.
  2. Does the ESP8266 board inside the box come with pins? Can I use jumper cables instead of soldering?
  3. I saw a blog post where a person flashed a Tuya IR remote with Tasmota and the connections he mentioned are:
  • port 3v3 of the device to the 3v3 of the converter.
  • port TXD of the device to the RXD of the converter.
  • port RXD of the device to the TXD of the converter.
  • port GND of the device to the GND of the converter.
  • port IO0 of the device to the GND of the converter.

Did you use the same connections as well?

Sorry for asking a lot of questions. I felt bad purchasing Oakter remote. The app is terrible and the fact that it needs Internet to operate is even bad. I want to flash it with Tasmota even at the cost of risking it. If it fails, I will probably want to DIY a ESP-IR blaster or get Broadlink RM Mini 3.

  1. How did you get the Oakter remote box cover open? I tried to open it with finger nails from the corner but it felt like perhaps the cover was glued.

I can’t recall exactly but i do remember there were some screws under a sticker.
The cover isn’t glued but has plastic locks that are fairly easy to open
Once the screws are out, the cover should be easily pried

  1. Does the ESP8266 board inside the box come with pins? Can I use jumper cables instead of soldering?

Again, it’s been a while but I think i did have to solder pins - actually yes, i did solder pins rather than wires so that I have easier access next time if required

  1. I saw a blog post where a person flashed a Tuya IR remote with Tasmota and the connections he mentioned are:

Pretty similar - if in case you have flashed a sonoff or any similar device, it is exactly the same
You can even make do with 3 connectors vix Tx/ Rx and Gnd
I can’t recall if The fourth one on the board is the 5v line or 3v3 - but you can power the oakter on via usb and flash without the fourth header to provide power from the USB-TTL side

FWIW the device has been extremely stable and responsive after tasmota

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This is what I have found so far. using Tasmota with IR (homemade)
Having Built an IR Transmitter from an old remote control and a BC337 with 100 ohm on the collector to the IR Led and the other side of the LED to 5v (Vin) on the esp8266 (node mcu type) and a 1k resistor to the base to the GPIO2 (D4) and the collector to 0v
and a bog standard ir reciever with a metal can over it wired to GPIO0 ( D3)
configured tasmota ro generic (0) anfter flashed using Tasmota -ircustom.bin in Tasmotizer
(dont use GPIO 1 or 3 apparently I use for tx and rx anyway)
I wired it up and sent a mute button pulse from an LG TV remote

grabbed the IRsend with last } removed {“Protocol”:“NEC”,“Bits”:32,“Data”:“0x20DF906F”,“DataLSB”:“0x4FB09F6”,“Repeat”:0}

added IRsend
IRsend {“Protocol”:“NEC”,“Bits”:32,“Data”:“0x20DF906F”,“DataLSB”:“0x4FB09F6”,“Repeat”:0}

and works well, also tried on Panasonic VCR :slight_smile:
IRsend {“Protocol”:“PANASONIC”,“Bits”:48,“Data”:“0x40040D000805”,“DataLSB”:“0x220B00010A0”,“Repeat”:0}

I will try on the tricky air con unit at work I would like to automate, Will i need to convert? will find out.

Can you please let me know what tasmota template you used for the Oakter remote? I tried both with tasmota-ir as well as tasmota-ircustom. When I press any button on the IR remote, the tasmota console shows IRReceived with protocol as “Unknown”. Not sure how to proceed further to record my IR remotes on this Tasmota remote. Can you please help?

I’ve got this IR blaster from Aliexpress but so far I’ve not been able to flash Tasmota on it using Tazmotizer.

I’ve soldered lines on vcc, ground, TX and RX connectors. Tried swapping RX/TX, power on while connecting ground to RST and holding the button during powering on. I’m using an usb adapter connected to a Windows PC and already converted a dozen of SonOff devices this way.

Any suggestions what I could try next? Or is it just not possible?

This, without holding the button ? Just keep ground connected to rst while flashing.

Plus one for this, any help appreciated

Sir, i have remote working using tasmota ir - with tuya based (samsung tv and panasonic ac) so it confirm the tasmota is ok. but why some remote (STB android tv) not even give some message in console of the tasmota . its remote working in smartlife. Its that because different system of infra or something else?


I’m looking for help in controlling Sony BDV-E4100 BluRay Home Theatre system.

I don’t have a remote and don’t want to buy it before I make sure that device is working.
Since it’s not possible to use most of the functions without remote I’ve installed tasmota-ir on D1 mini with IR diode and it’s sending codes for my LG TV (so hardware is working) but I can’t find working codes for this Sony device. Can anynone help me?

Also I was able to install this HACS addon https://github.com/alexmohr/media_player.sony
And after installation once it showed popup with pincode (entered 0000 and Sony showed another pincode which I entered in Home Assistant but now I’m unable to repeat this procedure to try pairing with Android app tv-remote: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tv.remote.control.sonytv.

I’m starting to loose motivation but I belive I’m very close to make it work so maybe you guys can help me achieve it?

Thanks in advance:)