Tasmota mqtt discovery - worked but confused on why

I have a tasmota v6.6.0.7 firmware wifi plug. It’s configured for MQTT discovery and home assistant found it just fine. I set it up months ago, and I think I used the option19 on it.

It works just fine!

But I’m confused why. When I look at the MQTT messages it’s sending, I don’t see it starting with /homeassistant. It looks like this:

BNLink_ETL_775D/tele/SENSOR {"Time":"2021-01-09T08:12:48","Epoch":1610176368,"ENERGY":{"TotalStartTime":"2019
BNLink_ETL_775D/tele/HASS_STATE {"Version":"","BuildDateTime":"2019-08-25T14:34:44

For MQTT discovery, doesn’t the MQTT topic have to be prefixed with “/homeassistant”?

Or does discovery only happen once? Like once it’s discovered, the MQTT messages go back to non-prefixed?